Apolonia Paulussr

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since Jan 16, 2022
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I am a 30 yr licensed acupuncturist in California. If you still seek help , the kiiko Matsumoto style acupuncture recognizes this imbalance and can even treat without needles depending on practitioner. It would be a grounding, strengthening treatment. I am in S Texas 956-479-1356
1 year ago
I steward 3 acres in S Texas. Changing lawn into foodforest. wanting to share. i am an acupuncturist and herbalist in California. Learning here about Traditional subtropical medicine growing medicinal herbs too and learning to combine and cooking with them. Some herbs are both medicinal and gourmet. Start growing as much as I can sell on a subsidiced farmersmarket here. 1 chicken now. Beautiful and very private here. 2 bedroom 2 living room diningroom, garage, waterfront property. If you need to move....... Purple moosage me.
1 year ago
I like your photo. Permaculture is so important and fun to me. I have been going at it . I practiced 5 years in California and 2 years now in subtropical Texas foodforests feel so right and things grow fast here. Where are you located?
$400K : 3 acres, lakefront property. Beautiful, Large trees, 3 bedroom , 2 bath  red brick house. Foodforest with already large Nitrogen fixing trees . Fruittrees, Bananas, Pecan, Papayas ( Red ones) Pear, Loquats, Peach. Tropical SugarApple, Lime, Lemon, Orange( protected with lemongrass and Tithonias), Guavas 3 kinds, Olive, Figs. edible bamboo, Muscadine grape (the gourmet big ones) that only grow on the east side of USA. The Property is already fenced in with one acre for sheep or goats and large shade trees. Mesquite Trees for mesquite barbecues. Kayaking,fishing. Tropical salad greens eat all year . Great Farmersmarket you could sell without overhead. No gophers. Very private cause long driveway and practically no neighbors and the large lake on 1 side.  Also Avocado, Ginger plants and the Rootbeer plant (leaves make the best quesadillas). Cornerstore for the best fresh tortillas ,  Gas station with foodbar ,both walking distance. Busstop nearby .
1 year ago
3 acres subtropical waterfront, Rio Grande delta in S Texas,3 bedroom 2 bath home very private with long driveway. for sale or rent. I like to stay here on the land cause it is such good gardening.
There is room for trailer , little house or adobe structure Fishing, kayaking, Already small foodforest in 1 year from lawn. Banana, papaya, pecan, citrus, sugar apple, pear, butternut etc. I planted. Great Farmersmarket where can sell produce and eggs etc without overhead. There used to be sheep here on 1 acre fenced in area now looks more like a forest with Mesquit etc. This land has so much to be creative in so i like to stay.  room in house rents for $400. Mexican neighbor has the  same growing and cooking spirit and we learn from and help each other . My son has his permaculture design certificate but he got a good job in California. So i am here puttering along and keep studying. I am also an acupuncturist for 30 years which I developed into needleless acupuncture. I  feel the land could be such a good farm with the right people. The soil is black clay.
Gas still under $3 a gallon here cheaper living than California. Plus a lake here and good soil

Apolonia Paulusse wrote:Hi Adam.  Last year I started stewarding 3 acres lake front property with nice 3 bedroom house here in subtropical S Texas. The idea is a permaculture farm here, but my son left for a job in California so I am needing some partners. I am an acupuncturist for 30 years and now aspire to farm.I  am  getting a kick out of  transforming a lawn into delicious food and learning to cook with it. I am needing creative solutions all the time it seems .We still have good of both worlds here:hot showers and citywater plus the Rio Grande estuary. I am hinking of most loving solutions for us and planet and inspire others.  There is a nice Farmersmarkt where i got many of my starting plants very cheap $! or $2 and now sell my baby plants for cheap there. The market is subsidized by the Health department so for backyard growers no overhead. Ther is a 1 acre wilderness here too where someone could park or build.

Hi Adam.  Last year I started stewarding 3 acres lake front property with nice 3 bedroom house here in subtropical S Texas. The idea is a permaculture farm here, but my son left for a job in California so I am needing some partners. I am an acupuncturist for 30 years and now aspire to farm.I  am  getting a kick out of  transforming a lawn into delicious food and learning to cook with it. I am needing creative solutions all the time it seems .We still have good of both worlds here:hot showers and citywater plus the Rio Grande estuary. I am hinking of most loving solutions for us and planet and inspire others.  There is a nice Farmersmarkt where i got many of my starting plants very cheap $! or $2 and now sell my baby plants for cheap there. The market is subsidized by the Health department so for backyard growers no overhead. Ther is a 1 acre wilderness here too where someone could park or build.
+Hi Dave, I am in Southern Texas wanting a permaculture farm on these 3 acres lakefront property . It has a nice 3 bedroomhouse. Lots of grass ,big old trees and i started gardens last year.  So much to do here to permaculturize the place. I would like some more people here so could have more animals too. It is private and beautiful. I read about edible subtropicals and gardening. and i am learning from the locals about traditional growing food and herbs and the Farmersmarket is a great source for buying and selling excess produce and plants..Beyond organics. I practiced acupuncture fo many years. i  found out no needles needed just learning the flows and then feel the acupuncture points. Awareness and be present. . lot of nature wildness and comfortable living hot showers and washing machine. larger house that holds the temperature pretty well. I learned the willingness to talk things over very important . a larger community vowed by regular sharing of where they are at daily was most important in healing minds besides ,   nature and good food.. appleacupuncture23@gmail.com