This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
In this
project, you will sew a skirt using natural materials.
(image from
Suggestions and Resources:
Instructions for three styles of skirts.
Bungalow Quilting shows how to sew your own skirt without a pattern
The Spruce Crafts Free Skirt Pattern Collection
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are to:
- sew a skirt
- use natural materials (excepting zipper or other embellishments)
To document your completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a
video (less than two minutes):
- the material(s) chosen
- sewing the side seams, waist, or hem of the skirt (machine or hand)
- the finished skirt on a person