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Paul is at lunch at the SKIP event and talks to Jae. Mike and Opalyn are also around.
Jae has 40BBs - last year she came to SKIP as a complete beginner, now she's aiming to be the 3rd person to reach PEP1.
Jae says that many BBs are a stretch for her; also SKIP pushes her to do things she would otherwise avoid. The SKIP event is good: people can help and advise.
Jae has read that the modern age has created a massive de-skilling: everyone uses stuff but they have no clue how it works. SKIP can help with re-skilling.
Jae also says that SKIP is worthwhile for itself, without the prospect of eventually inherting
land. They agree that the whole inheriting land thing sounds like snake oil and that can put people off, but Paul feels driven to keep saying it. He can't see any more he can do.
There are 1477 BBs. So far, 6196 BBs have been approved but from only 335 people and Paul is frustrated that it isn't bigger. Right now only Mike and Opalyn have achieved PEP1.
Jae, Opalyn and Mike agree that SKIP is valuable as a way to learn new skills. Jae feels that it could be presented more for that aspect, whether or not you get to PEP2 and maybe inherit property. Some people go most of the way to PEP1 but get distracted.
Mike is working towards PEM in Wisconsin.
They compare SKIP with going to college: they reckon PEP1 would take 6-8 weeks full time, and PEP2 about 6-8 times longer. But SKIP is free, where college can leave you owing $100,000.
There are now 25 Otises, seeking someone worthy to inherit their properties.
Jae finishes with analogy with three brothers in fairytales: the first is only after gold, so he's not worthy. The second is cunning and has clever shortcuts, so also not worthy. The third brother does things right, cares about the land and so forth and isn't looking for shortcuts and mistrusts what looks like "snake oil". She feels they need to find a way to attract the third brothers.
Relevant Threads
2024 SKIP: Skills to Inherit Property (PEP1) event - July 15th-26th
Skills to Inherit Property forum
The 22 aspects of PEP
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Bill Crim
Chris Sugg
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Dominic Crolius
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Pasquale DeAngelis
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Greg Martin
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Nick DePuy
Nathan Hale
Polly Jayne Smyth
Todd Gerardot
Katie Young
Ivar Vasara
Brent Lawson
Weston prestage
Candice Crawford
Chris Holtslag
Song Zheng