This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEM curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
Straw badge in
Wood Heat.
permaculture and alternative
energy activities require charcoal. Let's build a stove to make charcoal and harness the heat!
Unfortunately this is such an awesome idea there aren't good pictures or videos of it out there. Here's a basic video by Sean about how the process can be done inside your
wood stove:
Minimum requirements:
- Build a
wood heating contraption that also generates charcoal
- Gassification of the charcoal
feed stock contributes heat to the process
- Contraption doubles as a usable heat source (house,
greenhouse, etc)
- Can be a modified
wood stove but needs to be permanently set up to produce charcoal
Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
- A description of how your device will work
- Several points during construction
- Finished charcoal maker/heater
- Charcoal feedstock going in
- Fire underway in the contraption
- Charcoal coming out