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part 1 of a 3 part podcast.
Paul is with Steven and they discuss the state of the jungle, which in this case is mostly about kickstarters.
Last year's kickstarter didn't get finished for various reasons including health issues and Paul willingly takes the blame for that lack. However, most of the material for it is now to hand and thus it
should be finished fairly soon. The kickstarter was supposed to fund repairs to Judy, the larger truck, which needs attention. It doesn't get used much but is vital for moving heavier stuff. Because the last kickstarter didn't get done, there hasn't been one this year and that affects the availability of funds at the lab.
Paul moves on to talk about possible projects for the next kickstarter.
There's been a lot of interest in a
willow feeder movie or book. A number of people have been working on willow feeder stuff which has
led to some material being available for that. Julie is keen on the willow feeder book idea but Paul isn't so convinced as a book is a lot more work and cost to produce.
Paul and Uncle Mud have been working on a new
rocket mass heater book, but Paul says interest in
RMH has been declining recently and so he's not convinced the book will be a success as a kickstarter.
GAMCOD movie is another possibility, but so far there isn't
enough material for that. Only 4 people completed the course, so there's not enough material yet for that. Steven feels it's doable to double that number next year and double it again the year after. He comments on the success of the GAMCOD at the lab this year which produced about 20,000 calories with minimal effort.
Another book
project Paul's thinking about is reworking the better world book so it's aimed specifically at level 2 people; but again a book needs a lot of money to produce and he's not confident that a kickstarter would fund that.
Relevant Threads
What is a Willow Feeder
GAMCOD 2024: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy
GAMCOD forum
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Bill Crim
Chris Sugg
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Dominic Crolius
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Pasquale DeAngelis
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Greg Martin
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Nick DePuy
Nathan Hale
Polly Jayne Smyth
Todd Gerardot
Katie Young
Ivar Vasara
Brent Lawson
Weston prestage
Candice Crawford
Chris Holtslag
Song Zheng