Alright people it's that time of year again to start planning for
Permaculture Voices 2015!! This was such an immensely inspiring conference last year and so I really wouldn't wait to get your tickets for this next one. It is scheduled this year for March 4-8, 2015 in San Diego, CA. If you purchase tickets
here it will give some love to the empire.
Also, here are the keynote speakers for this year:
Maddy Harland – Designing Successful Enterprises For People & Planet
Paul Stamets – BioDiversity is BioSecurity: Strengthening Foodwebs using Applied Mycological Solutions
Toby Hemenway – Liberation
Marcin Jakubowski – Distributive Enterprise: Creating the Open Source Economy
Allan Savory - Topic TBA
AND here are some of our permies buddies that are going to be there giving talks:
Ernie & Erica Wisner -
Rocket Mass Heaters: Site Specific Design, The Nature of Power
Grant Schultz - Tools & Technology for the
Permaculture Homestead, Fruit, Nuts, & Livestock – Creating a
Permaculture Silvopasture
Steve Gabriel - Forest Farming: Seeing the Forest for More Than Just the
Stefan Sobkowiak -
Sell What You Grow at Retail Prices without Harvesting: Start a Club, A Permaculture Orchard for YOUR Climate Zone
Jack Spirko - Plant Propagation for
Diana Leafe Christian - How
Permaculture Design Principles Apply to Social, Legal, and Financial Aspects of Ecovillage Design
Adam Klaus -
Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way, Starting Your Own
Raw Milk Dairy
Matt Powers - Permaculture Youth Education
Seth Peterson -Permaculture Kitchens I’ve Known
Two MASSIVE Reasons Why You Should Attend PV2
Gain New Perspectives
What if you could talk to someone who was years ahead of you on the path that you wanted to go down, would you benefit for talking to that person?
At PV2 you will have the opportunity to connect with those types of people.
People that have more
experience doing what you want to do.
Many people, including Stefan Sobkowiak featured in the interview below, would do things differently if they started over. They have a lot of trial and error and have arrived at what works. This usually means that if they did things over, they would do things differently, and better.
If you are just starting out, then you can benefit greatly from their knowledge in terms of what they know now and what they would do differently.
You can also gain new perspectives from the people who are doing what you are doing, but just in a different way.
No two pastured poultry operations are run the same way. No form of marketing is universally applicable. See what others (attendees and speakers) are doing and see what could work for you.
Whether you are stuck or just want to explore what is out there, there is a lot of value in collaboration, in seeing new perspectives.
Connect With Others
Have you ever been around 500 people that share similar values to you?
People that generally believe what you believe – that our current paradigm is broken, and we need to change it.
People that are actively participating in being part of the change.
That’s what PV2 is and will be.
500 switched on and engaged individuals that are coming together as one to share ideas and grow, so everyone can go home and live the permaculture life that they dream of.
Taking on these journeys into a new paradigm, career, or business are inevitably hard. It get’s a lot easier when you are doing that journey with others who are on the same path.
Ask any successful person in any field and I guarantee that they will attribute a large part of their success to the positive connections in their lives – mentors, colleagues, friends. Success is built on the back of high quality relationships.
PV2 has created an immersive environment that will allow you share ideas, build friendships, and deeply connect with a supportive community for 5 days and 4 nights. Then you can continue these relationships outside of PV2 to make the journey easier.
Come to PV2 open minded, come in with a plan, and create connections to take what you are doing and your life to the next level.
Get what you can’t get online at PV2.
As of right now there are still several discounted prices available. BUT
these prices will end FEBRUARY 8th at Midnight!
Click here to buy your discounted ticket right now!
Other Stuff:
There will be several "cross-pollination sessions" throughout the conference. These sessions are designed to provide attendees an opportunity to digest the content of the conference, integrate the knowledge into their own lives and work, and make valuable connections that will endure once the conference is over.
Each session is designed and guided by experienced facilitators. Using methodologies such as World Cafe, story sharing and networking activities, participants will interact, share insight, design together for action, reflect on their experiences and meet new people.
To help you relax and refresh they will be offering instructor
led yoga sessions each morning.
The sessions will be led by
permie and yoga instructor Courtney Sniderman.
The sessions will take place daily each morning from 7-8AM on site at the Sheraton.
Food will not be provided for this year's conference.
How to Get There
I created a
ride share thread so people can try to carpool as much as possible!
Cheap Places to Sleep
Here is a place to discuss cheap housing with other permies! A few people have offered up their places and it would be cool to get a big group of permies together in one house!
One of the things I am SOOO excited for is the end of the day, night activities. On two nights of the conference there is "party" scheduled from 8pm-end.! I just cannot even imagine what it is going to be like to be surrounded by hundreds of people who have similar values and just be able to chat with everyone and hear their stories. I think it is going to be SO powerful and amazing. Also, on one night the movie Inhabit:A Permaculture Perspective will be premiered and that is super exciting in itself!
I also think it is SO important to think about the big picture here too. This is going to be SO personally beneficial to EVERYONE who attends this conference. It is going to change people's lives. BUT ALSO if there is a conference that has 1,000 people attending, don't you think it is going to give the whole permaculture movement a legitimacy that it never has had before?! That is what it is all about isn't it? Getting permaculture into the brains of every brain possible!
Again- if you want to go to the conference that will change your life, AND support the empire, get tickets here!!
What Past Permaculture Voices Attendees Have Said:
“you did an absolutely fabulous job! I felt a part of one large being! The minds that you brought together were incredibly knowledgeable and inspiring. I really appreciated your having the bookstore there. I hope that you will continue to bring these conferences to the world!” Jo R.
“The conference was amazing — so much learned, even from “osmosis” with many bright and committed people. I know you put a superhuman effort into organizing and the result was outstanding!” Jane H
“AWESOME JOB! That was the best conference I’ve been to.” Chris S
“I’ve probably attended 100 conferences and your design of the
workshop schedule was the best one I’ve ever encountered – BRAVO! I’m still tickled pink to have been part of it
“ Steph K
“In all sincerity it was the most professionally run and valuable alternative living conference I’ve attended. Your vision and work are commendable to the point of arm breaking (from all that back patting!).” Javan B
“Your work and vision is helping to galvanize and connect this whole movement!” Frank G
“Just want to sing you praises for your great accomplishment of bringing so many (practically all) of the truly greats in our field together and in So Cal. You will forever hold a dear place in my heart and in my prayers for allowing us to participate, thank you!” Miguel U
“Again, thank you SO much for putting such an awesome event together. I have been so pumped since then and out working the property every day since.” Brian G