Gavin Bridger wrote:Registered a new email address (by mistake) and got sent the following email (see bottom of post). Links 2 and 3 download the same manual, file name: "RocketMassHeater-Annex6-letter.pdf"
Email Subject: subscribed to paul wheaton's permaculture
You did it! You signed up for my daily-ish email. While I think of what sort of practical jokes I can do with this precious information, here are your promised treats:
Permaculture Voices Presentations by Willie Smits-
Rocket Mass Heater Plans-
Rocket Mass Heater Operation and Maintenance Manual-
Rocket Mass Heater Podcast Gob-
[edited by paul wheaton to remove link that should not be publicly shared]
Tiffani Nute wrote:I was able to dl the Rocket Mass Heater Manual, but when I opened it I received an error message about the document not being able to open. Hope this helps!
Dillon Nichols wrote:Still had the old problems with the file downloading, but not being a valid .pdf.
Switched from Firefox to Seamonkey in lieu of clearing cookies, worked fine on 1st try after that.
evan l pierce wrote:First time I downloaded it a couple days ago it worked just fine.
Just now after getting a plotskateers email I tried again and while it downloaded successfully, when I tried to open it it said it was damaged.
Hope this info helps.
Bo Hayes wrote:Hi Cassie,
I just attempted to download the Rocket Mass Heater Manual and it still appears to be corrupted... "Oh bother", said Pooh! And thanks for all your hard work, Cassie.
Dillon Nichols wrote:...just went to retest in Firefox and this time got a working copy of 'RocketMassHeater-Annex6-Letter', instead...
Rodney Adams wrote:Downloads, but is corrupt.
Claire Arrowsmith wrote:the RMH manual seemed to download ok but would not open due to corruption :/
herb thompson wrote:The download of Ernie and Erica's Rocket Mass Heater is coming up damaged or in need of repair when I try to open it in multiple PDF viewers. This is tested as of 1:00PM PST.
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Theodosia, MO
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Julia Winter wrote:I had to try three times to get the RMH manual to download properly. I'm on a mac and using Safari. This first time it took forever to download and then wouldn't open, second time not as long to download but still wouldn't open, third time was a charm. The first time was soon after getting the email with the link, second time was the next morning and the third time was maybe a day later.
Chad Sentman wrote:I am. It says the file cannot be opened.
Karl wi wrote:2 attempts, on a Samsung tablet. Got it on the third go.
Many thanks for this.
Kolomona Myer wrote:I was able to download it the 1st time it was offered.
I am running Windows 7.
Latest Firefox, latest Chrome
Clicked on link from Firefox. I have it setup to always ask to download.
When opening the PDF in chrome I get a "Failed to Load PDF Document" Error
cli commands done from cygwin on the file:
Tried Right-click Save Link as method - Firefox
Tried using Chrome Right-click Save Link as method
I got a different file size each time.
When viewed in a text editor the beginnings of each file seem to be the same.
The download seems to be ending prematurely.
I'm on a 1.5MB connection, maybe it's too slow and the connection is resetting mid stream?
Maybe server is having memory / swap issues? What does htop look like?
I hope this helps
Tom Kozak wrote:I tried twice (April 2@9.30 am), both times it said PDF failed to load.
3rd time it loaded the Annex plans.
Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
Cassie Langstraat wrote:
so I am a bit confused. you downloaded it successfully the first time I sent out the email? and then it failed 3 times when I sent out the second email? to the plotskateers?
Theodosia, MO
USDA Zone: 6b (-5 to 0 °F/-20.6 to -17.8 °C)
Sometimes activism is chaining yourself to a bulldozer or blockading parliament. Far more often, it’s growing too many zucchinis and sharing them with your neighbours.
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