I often see it recommended that one ask
local coffee shops for grounds. Have any of you done this? How has it worked out?
I’m a couple of weeks onto getting coffee grounds and other scraps from a shop around the corner. Lovely place. My son works there part time. I drop off empty buckets and pick up full ones every couple of days.
The owner warned me there would be “a learning curve” in terms of getting the staff to understand what is compostable and what is not, and even then, someone might accidentally throw in something they shouldn’t because they were dealing with a rush. Fair
enough. No problem.
The results have been...interesting.
Here are some of the things I have gotten other than coffee grounds and filters:
- avocado rinds and pits. Sooo many avocado rinds and pits. The customers seem generally normal, but they must all be closet hipsters or something. Who the heck eats that many avocados?
- metric tons of eggshells
- several banana peels and lemon rinds
- a single perfect blueberry
- a bouquet of flowers. I was rather touched by the gesture until I realized they were wilted and covered in coffee grounds. They were still rather pretty.
- 3 squishy blobs of unknown origin that I probably
should have trashed.
- rubber gloves. From 1 to 6 pairs in every
- waxed paper sheets used to grab baked goods
- those ring tab thingies from opening bottles of
milk. Too bad I don’t have a cat to play with them.
- plastic containers
- coated paper coffee bags with wire closures
- a shopping list, tea bag wrappers, and other assorted small detritus
A few days ago I asked for coffee grounds and filters only. It takes far too long to pick through every bucket sorting out the trash. I expected a greater variety of fruit and vegetable scraps, and I wasn’t expecting the eggshells at all. Both eggshells and avocado rinds are welcome in my
compost, but not in those quantities. The coffee grounds are what I really want, and from a training perspective, limiting the ask to one thing seems like it might be more successful. Well, two things if you count the filters, but you know what I mean. So far the message has only partially gotten through. Time will tell.
The good news is that of today’s “harvest” of about 13 gallons of stuff, I ended up with about 8 gallons of pure, gorgeous coffee grounds. I wish I could give more back, but I’m just getting things established at my new house. So far, it’s just been thyme.
So what have the rest of you found in your buckets?