Mike Lafay wrote:Hello,
I've had a few years if not a few decades ago a bit of an interest with carnivorous plants. Thinking about them again, a few questions pops up, which I think the answers would be really interesting:
Would they have their place in a permaculture setup ? (probably, but examples would be awesome)
Are there medicinal carnivorous plants ? Are there edible carnivorous plants ? (I mean, payback would be nice)
What about creating some micro-bog, or place where they can thrive, with the spot being self-sufficient ?
It's more of a thought experiment, as I won't have neither the space nor the micro-climate for those plants for a while. But who know, maybe one day ?
Trish Doherty wrote:My immediate thought was that I need a bunch next to my chicken run. Last summer we had an incredible monsoon season, and flies were EVERYWHERE. But they definitely liked the chicken coop, and I would have liked a viable solution other than chemicals. Any carnivorous plants for zone 8a high desert?
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
And let me tell ya, they were SO beautiful. I had to share my pictures. ...
It seems like carnivorous plants could be really useful in permaculture.
Ultricularia gibba (bladderwort), a aquatic carnivorous plant, is very effective at keeping mosquitoes from breeding in aquaculture tubs, plant pot saucers, and other small containers of water where mosquitoes normally like to lay their egg rafts. Bladderwort's bladder trap catch and eat mosquito larvae.
Native species of carnivorous plant & they tend to be extremely rare.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
growing food and medicine, keeping chickens, heating with wood, learning the land
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