Part 1:
Did you build this box?
Do you have any idea what type of plywood it is?
Do you have any scraps of the plywood left?
Why these questions - Some plywoods are water safe and some de-laminate at the drop of a hat when exposed to moisture. Personally, I wouldn't want to put a lot of time into this
project without knowing which breed you've got.
Part 2:
What are the dimensions of the box?
Why - You mention 95 gallons, but have you allowed for the displacement of water for your body?
I remember once seeing a wooden bath tub, but the walls were a lot thicker and it was solid
wood glued with water-proof glue. It was a similar shape to your picture - relatively deep, but small so one could soak up to the shoulders in comfort. That said, something with curved corners would be easier to clean. Think cedar-strip canoe type building system. Modern cedar-strips mostly use epoxy resin which is rather yucky, but if properly cared for, at least they last a very long time. I'd be researching natural waterproofing systems if I went that route.
I admit I'd love a hot tub! I worry a bit about the temperature issue - getting the water hot
enough that Legionnaire's Disease and it's relatives aren't a problem, and then cooling it. Heating water takes a lot of