The center is cut from another piece. I ate the sides raw.
A friend has become our first weekly customer. For $15, he gets 8 of our $2 items. Naturally, regular customers will get a little extra whenever there is surplus. He's the first one I tried. 100% isn't bad
We can probably handle 8 weekly orders right now. Thong lives in a cluster of condo buildings. Most customers who bought the other day, live within one block of her door. Of the 12 or so who have bought, most said they'll watch for the sales table to appear. There's a good chance that many could be converted to weekly delivery. Several people from her building have said they will buy some, after they consume the free stuff that she gave away as samples. They came home to find grocery bags of samples hung on their doors. I can see that our limiting factor is supply. I could
sell $1000 worth every week. Time to do more at the farm. The 2100 sq ft area in town is maximized.
Thong has become obsessed with her new found little business. She plans every day around it. She's not a natural salesperson, but is very diligent in production and filling orders. I'm pretty sure I'll eventually set up a delivery service for farm production with her as the delivery person. She rides a bike everywhere. A little trailer and some containers are all that are needed. Well that and another 20,000 sq ft of garden and the time to tend it.