Our property information is in our Biography
Sam McMillan, old fart but still kickin'
Cindy at Simply Backwoods
Music makes life better
Carpe Diem is only as good as you make it.
I hope that I die before my dreams do.
Ry & Dre Oeschger
Lena Diehl wrote:Hi Ginny Welcome!!!
What typers of grains can be ground in the KoMo? Could I grind other things in it, like corn, beans, and/or coffee?
Abraham Palma wrote:Hi.
I thought this mill would be wonderful for our carobs and almonds.
However, I didn't read this part before creating a new thread in the 'bread' section: "one lucky winner in the USA or Canada".
Isn't it possible at all to send it to Europe?
Morning came much too soon and it brought along a friend named Margarita Hangover, and a tiny ad.
A rocket mass heater is the most sustainable way to heat a conventional home