homesteading |
BBs submitted for homesteading - wood badge |
Move an Outbuilding to a New Site (Simple Move)
BBs submitted for homesteading - sand badge |
Check a Game Cam
Lash Something 10' or Longer to a Vehicle
Install/Replace/Recharge Fire Extinguisher
animals |
BBs submitted for animal care - straw badge |
Prove Your Animal's Water is Healthy
Lightweight Paddock Shift Chick Brooder
BBs submitted for animal care - sand badge |
Collect a Dozen Eggs
Build a solitary bee house
Make a Brush Pile
Relocating a Yellow Jacket Nest
Feed Appropriate Kitchen Scraps
commerce |
BBs submitted for commerce - straw badge |
Sell "goods" (something you made, grew, or foraged) for $200
BBs submitted for commerce - sand badge |
Sell "goods" (something you made, grew, or foraged)
nest |
BBs submitted for nest - straw badge |
Set up a system for collecting burnables
Shovel Snow From a Walk
Replace Failing Caulk or Grout
BBs submitted for nest - sand badge |
Sweep a Floor
Grease Hinges
Wash Dishes by Hand
Clean a Kitchen
Food |
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - straw badge |
Make 2 Different Kinds of Condiments or Salad Dressings
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - sand badge |
Dehydrate Food in a Solar Dehydrator
Pickle something in vinegar brine
plumbing |
BBs submitted for plumbing and hot water - sand badge |
Clean/Decalcify a Faucet Aerator
Repair a Hose
Fix a Leaky Faucet
Clean/Decalcify a Shower Head
medicine |
BBs submitted for natural medicine - sand badge |
Create an infusion of mullein leaf or root
PEP BB medicine.sand.dandelioninfusion
Make a dandelion root decoction
Dry enough dandelion root for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Make a Plantain Leaf Poultice
Make a Mullein Leaf Poultice
Dry oregon grape stem or root for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry mullein leaf for a tea, infusion or decoction
Make a elder flower infused oil
Make a blackberry syrup or gummies
Make an elderflower salve
Dry comfrey leaf for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry lemon balm for a tea, infusion or decoction
Make a plantain leaf tincture
Make garlic infused vinegar
Make a mullein tincture
Make mullein blossom and garlic infused oil
Make a dandelion root tincture
Make a Plantain leaf infused oil
Make an alfalfa leaf or flower infusion
greywillow |
BBs submitted for greywater and willow feeders - sand badge |
Give Urine to Growies
Reuse Water From a Shower
Use Water From a Dishpan to Flush a Toilet or Water Something
Plant Five Trees
Upgrade a Willow Feeder
Improve the Urine Diverter in a Willow Feeder
Move a Willow Feeder Can to a Willow Candy Warehouse
Add a Small Garbage Can w/ Foot Operated Pedal Lid
woodland |
BBs submitted for woodland care - sand badge |
Felling a live tree with a chainsaw
felling a dead tree with a chainsaw
Drop 6” to 8” dead standing tree with a bow saw
Drop 6” to 8” live standing tree with a bow saw
Limb 4 trees
Peel 2 live trees and put up off the ground to dry
Repair 24 feet or build 12 feet of junkpole fence
Prep 10 junkpoles
rocket |
BBs submitted for rocket - sand badge |
Start and Operate a J-Tube Rocket Mass Heater - PEP BB rocket.sand.rmhjtube
Add Ash to a Garden Area
Start up and Cook on Rocket Cooktop
Start and Operate Batch Box RMH
PEP BB rocket.sand.jtubewater - Boil Water on a J-Tube
Start Rocket Hot Water and Get to 140
Build and Cook with a Dakota Stove
Annual Cleanout of RMH
gardening |
BBs submitted for gardening - sand badge |
Chop and Drop
Ruth Stout style composting (2 spots)
dimensional |
BBs submitted for dimensional lumber woodworking - sand badge |
wood box/crate
install 40 square feet of boards to a structure for siding
Make a sign
earthworks |
BBs submitted for earthworks - sand badge |
5 scoops Using Tractor Loader
foraging |
BBs submitted for foraging - sand badge |
Fresh harvest list
Dry harvest list
Fresh harvest list
roundwood |
BBs submitted for round wood woodworking - sand badge |
2 coat hooks from a small branch crotch
Compound mallet from hand tools
Dry peg coat hooks in green wood
Club style mallet from hand tools
oddball |
BBs submitted for oddball - sand badge |
PEP Badge: Oddball