Reply to the man near Redding . I live "near" Corning, about an hour plus from Redding.
Would like to talk to you about properties in /around,.or not even in the area.
I have looked in New Mexicoas well as northern Michigan. So far not found "home".
Want o move. Right now have 2 acres with older mobile in Rancho Tehama.
Biggest issue, cant seem to get reliable phone service and huge drop off
and slope filled land. Looking for something better in my budget ( low).
Please contact me at transformnow99@gmail,com
Been reading about the problem that the main grid is compromised
( they are claiming that even cars won't work) True or not?
if attecked and wonder if there us a big EMP attack
will solar? wind power still aork?
Thanks for your help.
According to your cost estimate, it would
cost me over $10,000 to put in solar.
Good grief! That is with a low income reduced rate.
If I had to use the full "value" of what with bill would be
without the low income recuction it would probably be over $20,000!
Sorry don't have that kind of money!
Yes, I understand, lessen the electrical load.
Looking at what I woud want to get rid of.....
definately need to keep the water/well pump.... fridge
and if I end up getting one, possibly the freezer.
some lights. ,,,, really want to be able to use the computer
and right now need an internet phone as there is no land lines here.
That would only eliminate the TV which I guess I could get on the internet
but again that would take moe power. ug.
I have read about people who have it all with solar and now hate
to think what i costs them to do it.
Where I am and with the money I havek it is cheaper to stay on the grid.
Is there a way to have both?
When there is no power, I would want the well pump to still work along with the fridge.
YES YES...need this resource!
I have no clue about what is a watt, Ohm or anything but want to get off the grid.
Would be interested in making solar panels as it is much cheaper I've heard.
No clue on how to do it.
No one seemd to be addressing theproblem when the batteries wear out.
What happens to all that acid that is inside?
Can the batteries be "rehabbed"? Or do they need to get dumped at some point?
Just saw something about making electricity with wood?
Would this be any better? Could have a big wood lot with sustainaboe wood growing and ise that as it recycles itself.
Anyone know anything about wood to make electricity?
Everything yu say sounds good and I would love to live like that.
Why MI? Why want to be involved with winter?
Rather be somewhere we can grow food all year and not freeze ourselves or plants.
How do you resolve those with not much money? Low income?
Are of a minority? Or are LGBT? No one wants to talk about those issues?
Would not want to live around bigots and rednecks ( sorry if that is offensive).
Would like to hear more about those problems.
Want to MOVE! Any thoughts?
WOW I had never thought of using seaweed in housing
construction. then I saw an article about it.
Sems like people in the older days did use it
and the insulation value and more are being
brought back as seaweed is CO2 negative!
Here is more about it......
The stuffed pocket idea I talked about for a mat tress
was not thinking to open up pockets to wash or fluff but
wash as is and if it is done right I hope will not bunch up.
How about weaving the wool ( as well as knitting it?
I saw some really neat woven blankets that were soooo soft !
The wool from the morino sheep ( think that is the breed)
is really soft and knits and iw woven for allkinds of garments.
Like you I have a ton of ideas......
mind is willing........ body refuses!
Problem withColorado is that they think they own the water. Ca't build swales,
ponds. and might meter your well.
Although I did see recently they MAY allow you collect the water off your roof.
If that is true, then by golly make those roofs extended, and if it is restricted to
only a dwelling, extend those roofs do a really good job!
Like your ideas. I was very interested in your thoughts about washing the wool.
Years ago I had an idea about washing the wool while ON the
body of the sheep.
Is this what you were talking about?
Iam also interested in your mattress . bedding thoughts.
Back in the long ago day, people did use wool for bedding,
Not sure how it was kept from clumping when washed,
Or maybe it was never washed? (back then they had different
ideas about hygene.
Was thib=nking about using a pattern of smallish sized " pockets to
hold the wool so that it might not clump as much?
I was thinking about making quits made out of rabbit pelts.
Don't have rabbits, or the money to buy the pelts that are ready to use.
Thanks a lot for these ocmments.
The area of high desert we were in only
gets LESS than ONE inch of rain a year.
So am not sure how any of these methods would work.
I did find the information valuble. THANKS.
I LOVE this idea!
I like the idea of the book AND the DVD...TWO income streams!
HEY! WHY are you sweating the cost of the book? ( and DVD)
As far as the book is concerned go with
you can self publish it with them for very little.
Put everything in a pdf form and send to them
and they will print on demands for you. I did two books like this and
I think the most either of them cost was about $50.
As for the DVD I dont know how to do it or cost, but I am sure
you could ask create space and see if they know.
I would be very interested in getting this book AND DVD.
I made my own patterns from old patterns at the thrift store.
It is not hard to do. I know how to make jackets from cloth, just would need
a leather sewing machine to be able to sew hides.
A group near me in orthern CA, is putting together a growing coop for FLAX
( seed and material) so they can make their own cloth.
The problem seems to be that all the old mills have cloed down and no one can procecc
the raw stuff anymore.
Will you give methods on how to process cotton, flax, etc?
How much humidity is needed for the air wells?
Are there any do it yourself pland for building them?
Is there anywhere that says how big it needs to be to cvollect "x" amount of water?
Thinking of using one in high fesert in NM and CA.
A Giant Basket That Uses Condensation to Gather Drinking Water | Design | WIRED
A Giant Basket That Uses Condensation to Gather Dr...
Vittori hopes to have two WarkaTowers erected in Ethiopia by 2015 and is looking for financial rainmakers who'd like to seed these tree-inspired structures across t...
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THANK you somuch for posting that information on the water
sculpture project. Totally impressed with it!
Want to try them out here is California high desert,
Getting in touch with them.
Hey SuBA
I also live where there is no real internet service.
I got HughesNet ( satilite service) and am able to geta all the videos I want.
They are not cheap though!
Have you though about "natural farming"?
Get ALL the books by Masanobu Fukuoka ( " One straw revolution" and "Natural Farming")
He has lts os information especiallyu in the first bbok ( One Straw<>>>>)
pn his thoughts on regreeing the desert.
BilMollison also talked a lot about his not sure if he wrote about his Arfica project or not)
Just got the book "Sowing Seeds in the Desert" By Fukuoka ( he is the "One Straw Revolution" guy.
He mentions that he tried burying branches ,etc and found that it took lots of work and din't think it was worth it.
Anyone got thoughts on that?
Great idea! Personally I would like BOTH the smaller
AND larger acres in the DVD as I don't know which one I will end up with.
Free or not, I would like to have it.
YES! as a doctor YOU could do a lot of thigs to make money online.
1) write up a small MOM'S course on raising children and sell through (They have affiliate programs you could add )
2) You could write a blog about raising children and you could sell sponsorships to companies that selll children's products ( Huggies, foodproducts, etc)
3) True, you can write ebooks ( However marketing can take big chuncks of time)
4 Find people to sell your ebooks ( as suggested, approach blog writers)
5) You could do podcasts on various subjects of interest to parents. ( again , marketing)
Anyway those a a few suggestions.
I guess I didb't get how he got this started. Where I was in the high desert,
we got 115 degrees regularly in the summer and about 18 degrees in iwnter
witn often less than an inch of rain.
Those water cashing systems really didn't work for me there. So don't know
how Geoff did it without supplimental water.
Anyone know?
I have started and ran a non-profit for many years in the past.
Here is my view:
1) Not so easy to get the 501(c)3 approved. they are getting stricter now.
2) Yes, lots of crazy paperwork, time consuming Must keep good records especially about money and fundraising.
They will want to know HOW the place is funded and by who. What do you do to create working capital and who gets paid ( or not)
3) If you are not doing anything to create funding or collecting monies from the public they will take away your status
4) If you have buildings and land they are part of your non-profit and if you ever want to sell, you can ONLY sell to anopther non-profit or someone who willmaintain YOUR
non-profit. All funding would remain in the non-profits name.
So think long and hard about this before you do it!
Yes, I read about using urine for fertilizer, however, I still wonder...
doesn't it smell? Read that you dilute it 6-1 and still wonder about the smell.
Can you use newspaper instead of sawdust for the bucket?
What else could you use. People in high desert don't have trees for sawdust.
Am a fan of humanure, however the problem arises as to what to do with all tha uurine?
Smells ...UG and seems a lot of it! Any suggestions?
Also interested in the incinerator toilets... want to know if they would work with solar?
Seem to take a lot of electricity.
Also same question about urine...Can they take care of all that urine?
For all earthbag housing questions please talk to
These are the people that REALLY know the answers!
Their founder developed the process and they have a
demonstration site in Hesperia, CA as well.
Most of the counties that were mentioned are rather expensive. ( And have lots of building restrictions.)
I spent almost two years researching northen CA for cheap places to buy property and have off the grid potntial.
OK. Here it is. Below Alturas: Madaline, east of Eagle laker, norht of Susanville, Goose lake area,
There are usually listings on ebay for this Biggest problem always is putting in a well or hauling water.
Very little rainfall.
The around the Sierras land is expensive...sorry. Occasionally you can get a deal though
Where I ended up is the foothills of the Trinity mountians. Off the grid land and not bad pricing.
I ended up with 2 acres with mobile and septic and well way below market as it needed a lot of work.
Could add solar or a biogas generator.
Put in over $30K of work on it and plan to sell. as prices have gone up and my reator says I should ask $70K.
Because of health reasons I am thinking more like $60K cash as is ....still work to be done.
Did also get 4 one acre lots in NM really cheap as well but the cost of a well will stop you.
So my research showed:
California Pines has one and 2 acre lots you can get often on sale on ebay
for not much...they do have an HOA and some restrctions though
north eastern CA ( south of Alturas down the 395 before Susanville)
This is high desert land and check out the price to put in a well. Check ebay for this area.
and the lower Trinity mountian areas ( Rancho Tehama area also cheap...... that is west of the 5 freeway)
Also there are some deals in high desert areas in San Bernardino county area...Barstow area as well as
over east of Palm Springs 21 Palms and those east areas...again water problem though.
There are lots of cheap places in CA.
OR has VERY restrictive water rights. So watch out.
Check out the ebay listings.
Saw 20 acres WITH a working well , pump and cabin for under $10,000.
Yes on a real road. True a nice distance from stores.
Did have pinion and juniper tress.
There are also many other of the northern counties that have cheap land.
Got to look around. lots of homesteaders in northen CA.
Watch and as well as craigslist for ideas.
You might want to try to contact the Dervais
( think that is how it is spelled.) they have a very successful
urban farm in Pasadena, Ca. Try a youtube search on urban farm to find them.
They are making a living for their family off their urban farm.
By the way if you are able to get that business plan I would be interested
in sharing it.
There is cheap land in a lot of places.
I got some in NM.
Have 4 acres that I want to sell.
Also check ebay as there is always a lot of cheap
land, however it tends to be high desert.
Mostly west Texas, NM NV and a really good
deal I saw recently in Norhtern CA that already
Wish I had the cash, I would have got it even
though it was high desert. had a well, root cellar
and old cabin for really cheap.
Check out craigs list,
just put in the search what you are looking for.
WATER is the biggest thing.
Wells are expensive to drill and got to think
about HOW you will pump the water to your house.
Electric pumps need electricity and when I asked about
the cost for a solar pump I was floored with the price;
this was a big surprise to me as I had not figured on the
fact that the well pump runs on electricity. (UG).
Anyway I want to find out more about the air well and
see if that is something that would work
Yes, CO, WA and OR have very restrictive water laws
so do make sure that you check that out before you buyl
Super excieted to hear about air wells. Lived in the high desert for a
number of years and was stuck with about one inch of rain per year.
Sound like you do need some humidity though to make it work.
Not sure if those high desert areas have enough humidity.
Would love to know if any one on this forum has tried this and how it worked.
I recently bought this nice two acre property that is in Northen California.
It has a terrific view, an older ( 1983) mobile home on a foundation
and 3 bedrooms 2 full baths. I bought it with my son but now our plans
have changed and I need to sell. We also have 2 twenty foot shipping
containers on the property that could be sold with it as well.
They are already wiried with 220 and 110.These could be used for storage or workshop.
Also there is a nice size storage shed.
we did extensive work on the house with sub flooring , new tile floors throughout, dual pane windows, etc.
This is in the country about 30 minutes from either Red Bluff or Corning, CA.
The land is really nice and some slope and some flat. Has its own well and septic.
We just found out that a neighber is selling their house for $79,000 and only has one acre and no view.
We are asking $65,000 CASH,
no financing, AS IS as it does need a bit of cosmetic work.
We are thining of listing it and ther realtor wants to list it at $75,000 so save money and get it now.
Email me at LFIRE eightyeight(at)
Perfect time to keep working , take the time to go to a permaculture course, aquacujlture course, earthbag housing course
(www.calearth,org) get Bill Mollison's books, Sepp's books...etc... listen to the posdcasts and read the posts on this site, get some homesteading skills.
Learn basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical.
Do research on WHERE you would want to live. REsearch on real estate for sale that might have land and house already on it.
(they are out there , I know because I have seen them) Try, craigs list, ebay has land and homes listed by state as well.
Lots of interesting stuff there if you have an open mind. For the money you have you can get land, move on a shipping container,
make it into a house,,,bam...there you are , ready to do your garden.
Look at Lloyd Kahn's "Tiny homes" book and visit They also have tiny homes for sale on a separate listing site.
I love container houses as they are secure, well made and cheap housing. finish off with your newly learned carpentry skills, and no big expense.
Find a way to get your wife on board, otherwise it will never work. "Happy wife, happy life".
Find her passions in life that can be transferred onto a homestead. Consuming/shopping is not one of them.
There must be something she likes that can be translated to the homestead life. Seek it out
Meantine since you are in the Cincinatti area , there is a great group that is a loose community that meets regualrly and is run by Mike Murphy Caring Circle I think.
email me off here and I can give you his email address. His group is also listed on the site under the directory setting.
Good luck.
( Sorry, I am posting this for my son who is not on this site and have his "wants" to post here.)
Young 46 year old tri-racial ( Black, Native, white,,,looks black) is seeking wife.
Would like a woman who still wants at lest one child. Prefer aged 30-40. like black
or really dark brown hair, fair skin, 5'9" or taller. No drama. Grounded, loyal, honest, even tempered,
have farm, permies skills. I am Willing to relocate if right woman. Prefer to stay in California if possible.
I am a Gemini, master machinist, mechanical engineer type ( no degree though can build most anything).
Have lots of my own equipment.
Like to do photography, like classical, jazz, 70's music.Very well read and self educated beyond high school.
Can discuss most subjects intelligently. Not religious but am spiritual, not interested in
heavy duty Christians, prefer New Age types who are into holistc healing, healthy eating.
I do not drink, smoke, or do illigal drugs, clean living and dont use bad language and expecct the same in a woman.
Hoping to hear from that special someone.
Today ( 7/9/2013) I saw on ebay a really nice property in upper MIchigan with 10 acres and a nice 1,000 square foot cabin for $39,000!
Check it out! ( Go to choose real estate from tjhe drop down menu and put in Michigan into the searh box. Scroll down and you will see it.)
item # 321155053668 or you can use this item number in the search box.
As for putting your ad on, ....yes, I have seen many single family houses for sale on their site. They always are saying a lot about the gardens and etc.
and talking about it as a homestead.