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What is a Mother Tree ?
N.Y. Anzai wrote:I'm really interested in both this book and her upcoming book tiny victory gardens. I'm not in the US so can't order directly from the publisher and I will not order from Amazon (ethical/moral reasons). Is there anywhere else I can buy the book from that ships abroad? An independent bookstore that sells online would be perfect.
Kristen Thompson wrote:
Hi there,
I was a short-term fellow for Stone Pier Press, and no longer work for them but I could reach out to the publisher to ask her if she has advice about this! I feel like there was a website she recommended for international shipping... hm... I'll see what I find out.
N.Y. Anzai wrote:
Kristen Thompson wrote:
Hi there,
I was a short-term fellow for Stone Pier Press, and no longer work for them but I could reach out to the publisher to ask her if she has advice about this! I feel like there was a website she recommended for international shipping... hm... I'll see what I find out.
Oh thanks you that would be such a great help!!
N.Y. Anzai wrote:I'm really interested in both this book and her upcoming book tiny victory gardens. I'm not in the US so can't order directly from the publisher and I will not order from Amazon (ethical/moral reasons). Is there anywhere else I can buy the book from that ships abroad? An independent bookstore that sells online would be perfect.
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