Saana Jalimauchi

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Recent posts by Saana Jalimauchi

Seppers Program:
Seriously Excited About Permaculture Pampering!

Vacation Rentals and Accommodations at Wheaton Labs*

This is still in it's early stages, and this program isn't quite as much about luxury just yet as it is just

absorbing the awesomeness of wheaton labs, staying in a really cool eco-accommodation, learning and being inspired.

Prices for these packages are going to be low for now, until we can build them up with more goodies and fun,
but for the time being, you can get a pretty sweet deal on a vacation package.

With each stay, Seppers will get:

  • to join the community for taco tuesday with Paul
  • access to thousands of acres of forest service and wilderness land for recreation
  • plenty of parking
  • free firewood
  • optional participation in the bootcamp (between 8-5 M-F) and, with enough notice, maybe even influence what the bootcamp will be working on during your stay
  • photo with the Duke!

  • a ride to and from the airport, if needed. ($20 for regular hours, $50 for goofy hours)
  • a full tour of basecamp ($75), or a full tour of the lab ($75), or a quickie drive by tour ($60)
  • hands on activities with resident(s) on various projects (about $20/hour)
  • work on PEP BBs with guidance ($) and possibly with our equipment ($)

  • But the best part of being a Sepper?

    You're an honored guest, and are free to do absolutely nothing at all if that's your wish - lounge in the tipi, roast marshmallows, go on a hike, watch the clouds pass - whatever makes your spirit sing.

    You're the guest, and ultimately you can be as hands on or as hands off as charms your soul.

    Maybe you would like to build experiences with rocket mass heaters, or building stuff out of roundwood, green woodworking, or wofati construction, or cob stuff, or building hugelkultur, or fermenting foods, bow hunting, driving the excavator or the tractor...
    There is a long, long list of possibilities!  

    We can coordinate with you and our residents to see if we might be able to arrange for some really cool projects, depending on what your interests are.
    Plan to spend about $20/hour for residents' time. If you are super industrious and help more than sit back and watch, then maybe that resident won't charge you for their time.

    Some things about food:

    If you help in the bootcamp for half a day, you can join the boots for a meal.
    If you help for a full day, you can join the boots for three meals!  

    Wheaton Labs has strict standards for food consumed on site; please only bring food that is organic or better.
    For $20 fee, we can rent you a cooler with ice packs to keep your food cool.
    There is a freezer available for switching ice packs for frozen ones.

    Note that this program is still pretty experimental for us. We hope to get better and better at doing this with each passing year.

    Accommodations you can choose for the SEPPer program*

    wheaton labs is over 200 acres on two pieces of property (Base Camp and The Labs--see the following post for maps and each property's unique features) nestled in the forested, Rocky Mountain foothills near Missoula, Montana (USA). Kick back and enjoy the pristine wilderness and/or join in on one of our tours, operate one of our many rocket mass heaters, visit or stay in a wofati, revel in massive hugelkultur gardens, go bow hunting, sign up to drive the excavator or the tractor .... we've got these and more options for you!

    Base Camp: Love Shack | Red Cabin | Fisher Price Bunkroom | Solarium | Camping at Base Camp

    The Labs: Tipi with Rocket Mass Heater | Allerton Abbey | Cooper Cabin | AmayZheng Dog Star (former Shann-delier) | Camping at The Lab

    wheaton labs base camp rentals*

    Porta-cabin / The Love Shack 

    This is base camp's micro cabin with the "Minnie Mouse" rocket mass heater, twin size bottom bunk, twin size top bunk, off-grid with small solar to charge a phone or operate one light. The willow bank (willow feeder style toilet) and shower shack both are just a short walk, about 200 feet from the love shack. Base camp's wifi does not reach the Love Shack, though the community space called the library just down the driveway does have wifi and regular electricity should the solar power run out at the cabin.  Firewood is included, though you'll likely have to chop your own kindling.  

    rocket-powered shower shack willow bank bathrooms

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    8-15 nights:   (click here to pay $450) (additional people $50 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $650) (additional people $100 each)

    Red Cabin  

    The red cabin has seen four different versions of Rocket Mass Heaters, the newest being the "old reliable" with a mass going under the bed! Bunk bed with a double on the bottom and a single on top, all bedding plus fluffy organic cotton towels provided. Firewood is included but you might need to chop your own kindling. About 200 feet from the willow bank (willow feeder style toilet) and shower shack and a short walk up to the fisher price house.

    rocket-powered shower shack willow bank bathrooms

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-5 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    6-15 nights:   (click here to pay $450) (additional people $50 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $650) (additional people $100 each)

    Fisher Price House Bunk Bedroom 

    We call the main house at base camp the "Fisher Price House" because it is a double-wide mobile home. We offer bunks in the small bunk bedroom sort of similar to hostel accommodations. There are two full size bunks and two twin size bunks.  So it could provide bunks for six people. Open shelves (we've moved all books to the library) and a closet provide room for your bag and clothes. There is access to a full bathroom just across the hall. Access to the kitchen depends on whether the kitchen is the event kitchen during your stay. (See our event calendar for the latest.) Full bedding and fluffy organic cotton towels are provided.

    Top Bunk (1 person):
    1-10 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    11-20 nights: (click here to pay $350)
    21-30 nights: (click here to pay $400)

    Bottom Bunk (1-2 people):
    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    8-15 nights: (click here to pay $350)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $500)

    To rent the entire bunk room (1 to 6 people):
    1-7 nights: (click here to pay $500)
    8-15 nights: (click here to pay $800)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $1200)


    Solarium is built into one end of the Library building at Base Camp, and it's located right next to the Fisher Price House.
    Nature has inspired the names of the bunks at the Solarium; Squirrel, Moose and Bear. Squirrel bunks are narrow twin sized, the Moose and Bear are twin sized.
    Solarium is on-grid and has a Pebble Style Rocket Mass Heater to keep everyone warm and cozy. The beautiful sunroom-like space in the Solarium is perfect for doing remote work online! Full bedding and fluffy organic towels are provided.

    Squirrel Top Bunk (narrow twin):
    1-15 nights:   (click here to pay $225)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $325)

    Squirrel Bottom Bunk (narrow twin):
    1-15 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $350)

    Bear or Moose Top Bunk (twin):
    1-15 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $350)

    Bear or Moose Bottom Bunk (twin):
    1-10 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    11-20 nights: (click here to pay $350)
    21-30 nights: (click here to pay $400)

    Camping / Pitch a tent at base camp  

    Base camp is easy drive in access for car camping, pitching a tent on one of our tent pads, or finding a secluded spot on one of the plateau meadows, in the trees, or up on the hollowed out volcano with good submarine access. Volcano road is a rough, rocky one-lane road that snakes up the 500-foot rise of the rocky hillsides of base camp and around to the back of the volcano's peak.

    RV, trailer, and car parking is at the base of hilly base camp, in the sandy parking lot behind our shop that we call Arrakis, or in our small turtle parking lot. We do not provide RV hookups at this time and generators are not allowed to be used. Arrakis and the turtle lot do not have much shade, though we are attempting to grow trees (from seed!) to change that.

    The willow bank (willow feeder style toilet) and shower shack are available for your use.

    rocket-powered shower shack willow bank bathrooms

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-15 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $300) (additional people $80 each)

    Check out our full tour here. Contact us for other options for staying more than a month.

    wheaton labs the lab rentals*

    Tipi with a rocket mass heater 

    The function of this tipi is to seriously experience the value of the rocket mass heater.  It can be super cold outside, your fire goes out at 9pm, and you are warm as toast til morning. Inside the tipi is a cob bed platform which sleeps up to two if they like to sleep close. Burn as much wood as you like in the rocket mass heater (RMH) which heats the entire bench and bed platform.  We provide full bedding on a mattress made out of straw (as part of our experimenting to have household materials as natural as possible, alternative option available for allergics), plus pillows and blankets for the cob bench seating. There's a hot water kettle that heats up on top of the RMH barrel, plus full water jugs for washing and drinking along with bins, soap and cloths for washing dishes outside. Candles are the only lighting source since the tipi does not have any solar panels in this off-grid location. Fluffy organic towels are provided for showers at base camp. Firewood is included in these rates, though you'll likely have to chop your own kindling. The chateau de poo (a willow feeder style toilet) is about a hundred yards away (next picture), a little walk through the woods.  The tipi is also about a hundred feet from the bee hut.

     bee hive hut at Wheaton labs

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    8-15 nights:   (click here to pay $450) (additional people $50 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $650) (additional people $100 each)

     Allerton Abbey

    Allerton Abbey has one full size bed and two twin bunks.  The thermal mass has not yet been fully charged, so the annualized thermal inertia cannot be tested yet, but there is a rocket cook stove inside which does a good job of heating said mass, and the occupants. This is a great way to get a closer look at this highly realistic vision of an eco friendly home, and how well it functions. Bring your favorite cast iron pans, split a little kindling, and get cozy in your bunk while you daydream of the modifications you would make if this were your Wofati.

    (Base prices are for 1-4 people)
    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $300) (additional people $20 each)
    8-14 nights: (click here to pay $550) (additional people $50 each)
    15-30 nights: (click here to pay $800) (additional people $100 each)

    Cooper Cabin (wofati 0.8)  

    Cooper Cabin is our second version of a wofati which, while not quite fully completed, is still a cozy place to stay with a first class rocket mass heater (RMH) in it. It also has Lasse's rocket wood cook stove, plus a (propane) gas stovetop. This is an off-grid cabin with some electricity from the solar leviathan. There is no running water, though we'll fill up a gravity-fed bucket for washing at the sink, and provide plenty of fresh drinking water in glass jugs from our wonderful well at base camp, plus fresh kitchen linens. There will be some dishes, utensils, pots and pans available for your use. Bedding is provided for the two bunk beds (full size on the bottom and twins on the top) in the back bedroom (there is no door to close off that bedroom at this time), and cots or additional bedding can be provided at an additional charge. There is an indoor willow feeder with a foot-pump sink to wash your hands. Firewood is included, though you'll likely have to chop your own kindling. Fluffy organic towels are provided for showers at base camp.

    Top Bunk (1 person):
    1-10 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    11-20 nights: (click here to pay $450)
    21-30 nights: (click here to pay $600)

    Bottom Bunk (1-2 people):
    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $250)
    8-15 nights:   (click here to pay $450)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $600)

    (Entire Cooper Cabin - Base prices are for 1-6 people)
    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $500)
    8-15 nights:   (click here to pay $800)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $1200)

    AmayZheng Dog Star (former Shann-delier) - an Oehler/wofati style mini cabin  

    Dog Star Oehler style underground house, vacation rentals at Wheaton Labs

    This is an off-grid cabin nestled in the woods, with Uncle Mud's Cottage Rocket and single size loft bed. There is no running water, though we'll provide full water jugs for washing and drinking along with bins, soap and cloths for washing dishes outside. There will be a very few dishes, utensils, pots and pans available for your use. Full bedding is provided for the twin loft bed along with fluffy organic cotton towels for showers at base camp. Firewood is included, though you'll likely have to chop your own kindling. It is a bit of a walk to the chateau de poo (a willow feeder style toilet).

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-7 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    8-15 nights:   (click here to pay $450) (additional people $50 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $650) (additional people $100 each)

    Camping / Pitch a tent at the lab  

    The lab is off-grid and a more remote location than base camp, surrounded by private timber land and U.S. forest land - see more about that location in the next post. We do not have tent pads at the lab, though there are plenty of meadow-like or grassy spots to pitch a tent. RVs or trailers could make to the lab if the road is in decent condition, though of course there would be no hookups available there. Generators are also not allowed to be used.

    You would be welcome to fill up on water at base camp, use any of our willow feeders (the willow bank at base camp, or the willowonka or chateau de poo at the lab) and the shower shack back down the hill at base camp.

    rocket-powered shower shack willow bank bathrooms willowonka bathrom  

    (Base prices are for 1-2 people)

    1-15 nights:   (click here to pay $250) (additional people $20 each)
    16-30 nights: (click here to pay $300) (additional people $80 each)

    Check out our full tour here. Contact us for other options for staying more than a month.

    A note about showers:
    The shower shack is an outdoor shower at base camp with the hot water heated by a rocket wood stove. This means it is seasonal, only in use from late April or May until October (or so). We can help with firing the wood stove to heat the hot water and will post a schedule for when the water will be hot. Renters will also have the option to use the hall bath in the Fisher Price House. We ask that you use only biodegradable soap (or go 'pooless) and remove all of your bathing items from the shower or bathroom when you are done - even if you are staying in the house. We provide buckets to capture the water as it heats up and then we use that water to water plants or bucket flush the flush toilet in the house. (Do not put water in to the willow feeder toilets.)

    Use the links above to make payments for a SEPPer stay,

    or send payments via paypal to paul AT richsoil DOT com.

    Once your payment is received, Paul forwards the particulars to his assistant who will get the details all sorted.

    *Note: 80% refund for cancellations up to two weeks before rental starts.

    If you have any questions, please post to this thread. If it's a private question, e-mail bunks AT richsoil DOT com.  

    6 months ago
    A fire pit at Wheaton Labs got a new design.. It's now smokeless!

    6 months ago
    Smokeless fire pit? Sounds good to me..

    I find this brilliant, yet it's so simple:

    6 months ago
    so much good

    right now…
    in the world

    Dont worry,
    Everything is okay.

    Someone has food
    Some people even have keys
    to the warehouses full of food.
    We are in this together.

    We are in this together

    You and the next person you talk to!
    I bet they have stories to tell…
    As do you!

    The world opens…
    When people start seeing…

    Can’t wait..
    talk to you all later!

    Don’t worry,
    Everything is okay.

    Better than okay! <3

    I appreciate each and every one of you,
    who have helped me on my journey so far…
    And there are a lot of you..!

    So many threads I have read…
    So much have I learned.
    A piece of information from here…
    A piece of information from there…
    Just the things I needed to learn…

    …and a bit more.

    Now is the time to create the paradise..
    Well… I am going to rest through the winter first.

    Thank you everyone, for creating

    6 months ago
    Rocket Theme Week is coming closer and closer!  It's the perfect opportunity to visit Wheaton Labs to learn about Rocket Mass Heaters.. And you get to play with cob!
    6 months ago
    Paul says a timber tool makes tripping trees about 20x safer, and the Permaculture Bootcamp High Commander Stephen show's how it's done!

    Great tool for newbies learning felling trees!
    6 months ago
    Thanks for the replies, everyone!

    Apparently prickly pear is the perfect permaculture plant for parched places, how cool that it could have this other function too!

    Great for vegetable, fruit, dyes, living predator fences, erosion control, medicine and drought insurance. Talk about stacking functions!

    I wonder if I could find a prickly pear plant to grow as a house plant.. :)
    What are you doing this holiday season?

    Consider renting a cabin or a wofati at Wheaton Labs for your holiday vacation!

    Come warm yourself with a Rocket Mass Heater.

    Bask in the abundance of life.

    You can get a good dose of peace and quiet...

    Fresh air and sunshine.  

    Exercise and healthy food!

    Samantha Lewis wrote:When I was growing up, we went over the river and through the woods to my grandmother's house every holiday.  

    We indulged in the finest foods and drank in the happiness of being together.

    Spending holidays at Wheaton labs gives me that same feeling of family.    

    Sitting around the table and everyone has contributed to the grandness of the day.

     It is really the sweetest thing.

    Beau M. Davidson wrote:The first time I visited Wheaton Labs, I drove through a massive blizzard and arrived to see a winter wonderland, alive with the sparkle and glow of the snow-laden Montana wilderness.  Don't get me wrong, the Lab is incredible year-round, full of the verdant fecundity of nested hugel beds and cultivated woodland charm.  But for my money, winter is the time when it really shines.  The wofatis are in their element, emitting the heat of summer under their snowy blankets.  The wildlife is alive with crisp vigor.  You can work steadily, all the short day long, in the shining winter sun without overheating.  And every day ends with a warm drink and community.  Hard to beat!

    Here's the calendar for this year.  If you want a cozy place to overwinter, it's a perfect time to ease into the bootcamp.

    Half assed holiday schedule for the 2024-2025 winter season:

    Fri November 1 - indoor gardening day

    Wed November 6 - apple seed day

    Wed November 13 - bun warmer day

    Wed November 20 - chair repair day

    Thu November 28 - Thanksgiving Day

    Fri November 29 - wood box day (half day)

    - try to replace plastic bins with wooden crates and boxes
    - maybe try to make a box that will almost hold water
    - maybe even try to make some dovetail joints
    - some boxes will be quick and some will be very nice
    - unlike wooden spoon day - wood boxes will remain with the bootcamp

    Wed December 4- day of light - a half day of improving the lighting in and around our nest

    - add mirrors
        o on walls
        o in window wells
        o lots of creativity
    - add lights that are more efficient by lighting people more than the room
    - add solar night lights outside - find artistic themes
    - different sorts of prisms in the windows
    - add indoor night lights
    - make full room lights that can be turned on at the source that add HUGE light to the room
    - light experiments
    - possible candle lit dinner
    - an evening campfire (bun warmer or pavilion)
    - maple foods
        o maple meringue cookies
        o maple rolls
        o maple cookies
        o spaghetti with each person adding about a tablespoon of maple syrup (tip of the hat to Elf)
        o horchata sweetened with maple syrup
        o fresh bread served with whipped maple butter
    - hot spiced cider

    Fri December 6 - wooden spoon day - half day

    - we all carve wood kitchen utensils
    - maybe one cutting board
    - make lots of soup that people eat with wooden spoons!
          o make bread bowls for soup
    - ice cream to test the strength of wooden spoons

    Tue December 10 --  christmas decorating day - a half day of

    - setting up a tree and all the decorating
    - popcorn
           o +maple syrup to make popcorn balls
    - make a wreath
    - convert a cubbie into a "nativity" featuring wheaton labs stuff
    - christmas movie

    Mon December 16 - christmas stocking day - a half day of

    - making christmas stockings (for current and future boots)
    - baking
    - further cool decorations
    - christmas movie

    Fri December 20  - christmas baking day - a half day of baking

    - and a christmas movie

    Tue December 24  - christmas eve - half day of (i need ideas)

    - I will go into missoula and get chinese take out for everybody
    - egg nog
    - fudge
    - confections
    - add an ornament to the tree
           o must be something that can be used for many years
           o says your name plus "christmas 2022"

    Wed December 25 - christmass day - fancy foodening

    Fri December 27  - day of fire - a half day of improving fire stuff

    - build indoor and outdoor firewood racks
    - do all rocket spots have
           o a kindling cracker
           o a poker
           o an ash bucket
           o ample fire starting paper and a propane torch
           o a nearby fire extinguisher
           o good firebricks for the wood feed
    - find quick and easy ways to upgrade rocket mass heaters
    - make improvements to the bun warmer space
    - evening with the bun warmer
          o plus a tiny camp fire in the middle (with our little camp fire contraption)
          o smores
          o hot dogs
          o hot drinks (tea, spiced cider, etc.)

    Wed January 1 Putting Away Christmas + Movies Day

    - black eyed peas, greens and corn bread
    - spaghetti

    hot springs day - mixed in somewhere.  Surprise half day

    Mon January 6 - proenneke day  (half day)

     - small roundwood projects all with hand tools
           o coat hooks (cut forked branch style)
           o coat hooks (dry pegs in green half-round of wood)
           o a kitchen chair (probably pretty big and blocky)
           o repair projects
           o sawbuck

    Fri January 10  - national houseplants day (half day)

    - overhaul all of the houseplants
    - modify stuff to be houseplant pots
    - coleus seeds
    - plant edible stuff, maybe herbs
    - add plant shelves and grow lights
    - experiment with self watering stuff

    Tue January 14 - gadget mending day  (half day)

    Fri January 17 - quilt day
    - collectively make one quilt for one thing
        o maybe a window quilt
        o maybe a curtain for something
        o maybe a bed quilt
    - each person has their own square or two to be added to the quilt
    - they can add messages with laundry markers
    - each boot can add their name
    - somewhere it says "bootcamp 2022"
    - ravioli served so it looks like a quilt

    Tue January 21   -sauna day (half day)

    Fri January 24   - fermentation day (half day)

    - water keifer
    - kim chi
    - miso
    - kraut
    - sourdough
    - keifer

    Fri January 31 -  pina colada day (half day)

    - blended drinks (with umbrellas), pizza and the house is 80 degrees
         o beach music
         o drink from pineapple cups
    - improve the dock
         o add tropical somethings
    - improve the library
    - movie featuring pina coladas or beaches
         o shrek (plays the pina colada song)
         o pirates of the caribbean
         o lilo and stitch
         o fantasy island
         o swiss family robinson
         o guardians of the galaxy

    Tue February 4 - cat house day

     - build a cat house
     - eat lasagna
     - maybe a movie featuring a cat

    Fri February 7 art day

    - signs and labels
    - maybe tiny rock jacks to hold up outdoor signs
    - food that would be served at an art gallery
              o foods impaled with toothpicks
              o foods served on a cracker
              o grapes

    Tue February 11 - pulley day

     - projects with pulleys
        o laundry racks
        o window quilts
        o food drying racks next to the ceiling that can be lowered
        o pulley-based ceiling storage
        o more things like Bob.
        o maybe some experiments with manual log skidding winches
        o maybe some gravity lights in the pantry

    Thu February 13 - fukuoka day

    - make seed balls
    - upgrade the free shelf stuff
    - sushi

    Wed February 19 - roundwood furniture day

     - making furniture out of roundwood, like the picnic table and the couch balcony.
        o chairs
        o stools
        o tables

    Wed February 26 - repair cafe day


    Wed March 5 - gate day

     - projects with gates
        o maintain existing gates
        o build new gates
        o make garden gates animal tight for spring
        o update allerton abbey gate to be more beautiful

    Wed March 12 - garden twig day

     - making useful art out of twigs, like a cucumber, pea vine and clematis frame.
        o tomato cages
        o trellis

    Wed March 19 - dog day

     - we work on making something for dogs at the dog star
         wofati dog house

    If you want to dive in deeper, consider joining the Wheaton Labs bootcamp for hands on Half Assed Holiday experience! :

    6 months ago
    Hi Permies community..

    I have missed being a part of this awesome group of people, but life has had other plans for me lately. I hope I’m able to participate more in the near future, I have so much to talk about… My homesteading progress and garden fails and successes this year.. I also have a list of threads that I want to reply to, but didn’t have the time or energy to do so yet.

    But today I’m here to ask for help.

    I need to take care of a loved one who had a surgery today.

    I was hoping you would help me with listin foods that really support the body after a surgery.

    The basics, recipes, individual healing ingredients and links to helpful threads.. All so helpful.

    Thank you, in advance. I’m not sure how much I’m able to reply to you all right now when things are under way, but please do know that your help is greatly appreciated. ❤️
    6 months ago