BEL #665
The applesauce saga continues...
After the apples had cooked for a bit over 30 minutes, I took a look. Personally, I wasn't really impressed with what I saw.
I remembered that part of the recipe was to use an immersion blender to mix it all together and mince the
apple skins. Once that was complete, I was relieved. It actually looked like something I would want to eat, and while it was still warm I had a taste of it and was pleasantly surprised. I poured it all into two large jars, and set them out to cool overnight.
The next morning I added a few dollops to my morning oatmeal. There's already a lot going on in there, and I don't think the applesauce added anything to it. However, eating the applesauce alone is a nice change. The apples are very light and tart, and then there's the maple flavour to round it off at the end.
Chris and I chatted about this, and realized that's why things like nutmeg and cinnamon are added to basic foods like this, lending complexity to the food's flavour profile. This was an interesting (and tasty) experiment, overall. More courageous attempts will be made in the future.
Meanwhile, when it comes to other Boot tasks... I took care of a lot of heavy mulching today. There's a rocky hillside just outside the
Solarium and I decided that we ought to eventually use it as a cover-crop/mulch cultivating area, prepping it for eventual
gardening space. Today I grabbed lots of the tall grasses from the north-side field, and layered it nice and thick over the hillside. I want that organic material to break down and
feed whatever's going to change that rocky hillside into some half-decent soil.
Finally: Chris and I made it down to the leaky hydrant connection! Thanks to
Paul for his suggestion of using the shop vac out there. We drained the
water lines over at the Lab, and then first thing tomorrow we're taking care of the replacement. For some reason, I become excited by doing plumbing work. So tomorrow morning will definitely be a fun one.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!