BRK #587
Today was a textbook successful day. The
Bobra Line's main post has been placed and is now solid in the ground...! This is a tremendous step forward for the summer events in general, and the
Boot team in particular.
Way to go, Brian and Ben! And MASSIVE thanks go to SEPPer Carissa for joining in on the intense "fun" her first day here, and hanging with us to the successful end.
At the start of the day's tasks, we dropped this deadman support at the base of the trench for the main post. Ben took care of the notch, and the four of us lowered it via rope into the trench.
Brian is here, drilling the hole needed for the support line for the Bobra weight.
The four of us worked on both ends of the support line for the Bobra weight. Remember: "Never Ride A Dead Horse." Also: we added some additional washers on the outside surface of the post, but not the inside, since they would not be supporting any weight and would be functionally useless.
Here we are, just before the process of lifting the post and putting it into the trench.
Here's the post, successfully mounted and secured! It's sitting in the deadman's notch, and has a "gravel sock" protecting the
wood surfaces on all sides. We have more supports to add to the north-south sides of it - which will be in-line with the Bobra Line once it's installed - along with one last level check. Then this
project is complete.
A couple other interesting photos. In this photo, you can see the timber supports we used to maintain the post's east-west orientation while we added support material into the trench.
Finally, here's the base of the Bobra Line post. The
cardboard is to assist us in adding gravel around the post, while dirt is added to the outside of the cardboard form to fill the rest of the trench.
AND it was
Board Game Night. Thanks to everyone for playing one of my new designs this evening. Next week it will be better, I promise.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!