BRK #599
Black Spark, the hard-workin' mama kitty here, was the star of the show today. She's moved her four kittens up to the front porch of the House, so everyone's had a chance to fawn over them. The good news is that the kittens aren't so afraid of humans anymore, and I think they'll become socialized to get along with us in no time.
Meanwhile, we also found three additional kittens stowed up in the
Kitty-Quarium, inside the
Library. However, their mother isn't showing up. I suspect their mother is
Carl/Carla, and she was AWOL pretty much all day. When I see her in the morning, I'll check if she's making any
milk, then if so, usher her into the cat house to see if she can care for them. We're all concerned.
Some ups and downs with the
Sawmill today as well. We tightened things up, replaced the blade, and crossed our fingers. The scorching problem persists. A major overhaul of the Sawmill location had been discussed and agreed-upon. Now it's all about when we'll find time to move everything to the new location and properly mount the sawmill frame on a sturdy foundation.
Here are Rio and Ben, as we tested out a few improvements.
Finally: I have a laser cutter, and it's a fantastic tool. I set it up today to test it out (it's been in storage for over two years now), and things are looking good. Next up will be to make some fancy things for the
PTJ and additional events...
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!