BEL #661
One of our biggest tasks today was to address an error message that keeps showing up on the washing machine at the
House. Not a very permaculture-ish task, but definitely an important one round here.
Chris and I disassembled the machine after doing some
online research. Seems like there's some kind of issue with the
water pump, which sucks water out of the tub and sends it into the drain.
We removed and cleaned all the pipes and tubing, the pump itself, and even removed the gasket that connects the tub to the front of the machine (with a tight wire fastener...sheesh!). Unfortunately, our efforts proved fruitless after a test run or two. While filling with water and spinning the barrel seems to work okay, the machine still doesn't like draining the machine after it's been filled. Looks like a replacement motor is our next step. The good news is that we know what to go after immediately once we take the machine apart again.
Earlier in the day, we spent time over at
Allerton Abbey and the gardens. I planted additional kale and daikon radish on the GAMCOD plot. If we want it to be "official," then we'll need a wider variety of food growing in it. So this is our attempt.
Finally: here's one of the Abbey kitties trying to hide from us: in broad daylight, no less.
We also saw a little black kitty over at
Cooper Cabin, though it ran off as soon as it noticed we were there (driving up in an electric-hybrid pickup truck is quieter than most other vehicles that visit the Lab!). We'll be dropping off food over at Cooper as the days go by, and see if we can do an informal head count of those in residence.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your weekend...!