Very nice! I'm going to try your decorative carrot idea -- thanks! Or might try that for cukes. And "hippy-dust" in the dressing, good idea, gotta try that! Though for dinner parties I might have already served it on the snack popcorn: Here at my house in India, it's called "Becky's mystery masala," hahahaha!
I make similar salad, but I usually add a little dried fruit and chopped nuts, especially for a dinner party. My dressing is like yours, but my current favorite is to mix in mustard, which surprisingly adds mildness or umami, not bitter or spicy. For dried fruit, the favorite is home dried tomatoes, which are so sweet they're a bit like apricots; many of my young Indian friends don't like raw tomatoes but they love my dried ones.
video is long at over half an hour, so I did something else with my hands and glanced at the screen. The dressing is in the last five minutes, if viewers want to learn to make simple yummy homemade salad dressing.