This plant was growing all summer. Out the side of someone's house, in a tiny strip of side
yard, pretty much neglected.
A few days ago I noticed they were just sitting their rotting. I took a bunch, maybe a cup of them. Soooooo good.
The plant had no stakes, no one did anything for it, it had weed competition, grass. It just kinda sprawled, and sprawled and then spread some more. It was never pinched for suckers, nothing. It didnt have full sun or even half, right butt up against the wall of the house.
I usually don't like cherry tomatoes but these were sweeter than beefstakes, plum, even from the farmer's market.
It was going to frost tonight, so I went out with this cute pail my partner just scored and picked the green ones. And picked, and picked, and picked. I kept finding more and more and more. And then more. Even more ripe ones split but not yet moldy---soooo delicious.
The only hard part was harvesting them all. Sigh. My life is so hard.
The system works! For anyone who's doubting, maybe this image can be a pick-me-up. I'd just been reading
Fukuoka, really nature does it best.