I've found the flowering of Christmas cactus is completely dependent on temperature.
I have a few, the one at home in the cool kitchen is putting on buds right now, the one at work in the always warm building- nothing.
Cris Bessette wrote:
I've found the flowering of Christmas cactus is completely dependent on temperature.
I have a few, the one at home in the cool kitchen is putting on buds right now, the one at work in the always warm building- nothing.
I've never had a good flush of flowers on mine, gave all but one away because if it. Wish I had known this!
Phil! You nailed it! Learn something new at Permies every day, I telllya! I had never heard of a Thanksgiving cactus - thought I just had a precocious Christmas cactus!
That makes a lot more sense now, thanks for the plant ID. I suppose I need to figure out how to edit the title of my post now...
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
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