My son and I found a neat looking root system yesterday that was growing on top of a flat rock, two trees actually. Looks like the wind finally blew if over.
Wondering if any creative people out there have ideas as to what to do with this. Maybe some sort of arch for the garden or... honsetly I don't know.
Yes, upside down as a gate for the garden! But, birch has waterproof bark and the moist wood inside will start to rot very quickly. I'd remove the bark or the the arbor/trellis/gate will be rotten in under 2 years.
Mike Haasl wrote: But, birch has waterproof bark and the moist wood inside will start to rot very quickly.
That's a good point since birch bark (usually white I believe) was used to make canoes. I wonder if there's a way I could remove just a little bit of the bark, in a way that would still look good.
Thank you both for the help!
We Can Always Find a Way to be Nice to One Another
You might be able to split the bark lengthwise and then tack it back in place with staples. That way some moisture may be able to get out the cut but the bark might still stay in place. Or drilling a modestly large hole every inch down the length of it might do the trick even better... I'm just spitballing here.
I burn a lot of birch for firewood. If a piece is too small to split, I have to chainsaw a slice through the bark to let it dry out. Even then they often grow mushrooms in the woodpile.
imagine a 1/2 inch thick round glass on top of that roots when put upside down. That would be an awesome table. My former neighbor use to make these kinds of stuffs. You need to weather the material a bit. There is some serious work involve but its a stress reliever:)
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