Hi folks,
I have belatedly realised I know next to nothing about bamboo, and need to fix this. I I have some bamboo in the garden - it looks like a black stemmed clumping variety and has been in place for as long as we have had the house. The clumps are VERY dense - gaps between stems are typically around 1cm. I have need of a bunch of garden canes and was thinking it might be viable to cut some bamboo, and early experiments were promising. Cut a few canes just now that were between about 8ft and 10ft long, and the bottom half of each was definitely thick
enough to be usable.
BUT they seem very flexible. I'm guess that they will need to dry out/season before they become rigid enough to use?
Going forward, I would like to be able to regularly cut usable poles from the two established clumps I have. What do I need to do to them to make that achievable?
My current thought process is that I
should trim out all the thin growth, as I believe that they will never thicken up once their initial growth phase is over? This should give more room in the clump for the thicker stems to develop, as well as make it easier to maintain in future.
Any thoughts?
My search of the forums brought up basically nothing on caring for bamboo with the intention of harvesting usable garden canes.