I've read a lot of different things about the process of grafting persimmons. A lot of it conflicts. I've read that the rootstock needs to have broken dormancy but the scionwood needs to be dormant. Other sources don't comment on this. Also, can they be budded in the summer?
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i’ve had 95%+ take-rates on in situ grafting (rootstock is in-ground and well rooted) when the rootstock has just broken dormancy (buds are ‘as long as a squirrel’s ear’) with dormant scion. haven’t really tried other situations.
My experience has been that persimmons are rather forgiving in terms of grafting times and techniques. Maybe not as tolerant as apples, but definitely more so than pawpaws which demand a near perfect graft.
greg mosser wrote:i’ve had 95%+ take-rates on in situ grafting (rootstock is in-ground and well rooted) when the rootstock has just broken dormancy (buds are ‘as long as a squirrel’s ear’) with dormant scion. haven’t really tried other situations.
So you cut the scion during dormant season and store it how until spring? Have you ever tried bud grafting on persimmons and what was your success rate there?
Chris has 3 apples and Monika has 4 apples. With this tiny ad they can finally make a pie!