I discovered this site recently while I was looking
online to see if there were any like-minded people in Sweetwater County. I moved here recently and know nothing about
gardening in the area. I was hoping to find like-minded people I could link up with in real life. Instead, I found this site which is incredibly interesting and seems to cover my interests in building and
I've been interested in
permaculture ever since a friend introduced it to me over a decade ago, and building in cooperation with nature for years and years.
Interested in strawbale,
cob, stone (natural, uncut rocks), rammed earth, willow/tamarack, and am open to other kinds of building. I've not had much
experience in actually building things, though I was hired by friends in the past to do some things like sanding, painting, inserting insulation, caulking. I even had a friend who showed me how to attach the wires for outlets. Those were all a long time ago (I'm a 63 yr old female), but I'm still interested in alternative houses.
Also interested in
permaculture, greening the desert, espalier, growing herbs, growing anything,
water gardens, night-blooming gardens, etc.