It is important when considering compaction to keep in mind that the amount of surface area matters.
IE, my truck and my
tractor weigh about the same amount. The tractor can drive through damp ground and leave slight dents; the truck would leave real ruts. This is because the tires on the tractor are far larger, spreading that weight out over maybe 4x the surface area.
A modestly sized bulldozer with ripper on the back would be my bet for the lowest impact way to do both things.. but this is a guess, I've never run one or seen one used for this.
The swales can be done be all sorts of machines. I would suggest digging just a few feet by hand, to have an example of exactly what you are aiming for. Stake out exactly where you want the swales to go.
The ripping is the fun part. Dozer or tractor with heavy subsoiler. In this small area, an excavator could do it, if it had the right sort of ripping shank.. but I would not expect to find an excavator available.
Two main gotchas, IMO:
1) Don't let someone do the work in your absence. Be there, have an airhorn to get their attention if they tear into it all wrong.
2) Don't let someone take their machine onto the place if it is wet, or you'll get a lot of pointless compaction.