From what I've read, moschuserdbeere (German for musk strawberry) used to be the most popular strawberry in Europe.
They have some serious pollination issues, so growers gradually switched to the newer hybrids to get higher yields.
However, neither female plants nor hermaphrodite plants are self-fertile;
they require pollen transfer from a male or a different hermaphrodite clone
(or cultivar) of the same species, which is usually achieved by insect pollinators.
* 'Capron royal', hermaphrodite
* 'Askungen' (Truedsson) hermaphrodite
* 'Marie Charlotte' (Hans) hermaphrodite
* 'Bauwens', female
* Fragaria moschata '(Capron)', female
* 'Profumata di Tortona', female
* 'Siegerland', female
* 'Cotta', male
should be larger than an Alpine Strawberry, and more flavorful than a commercial store-bought strawberry.
Sounds like something I need to try.