Hello! I come to permies with a conundrum.
So my wife and I bought a house in the GA piedmont about 5.5 years ago and this is the year where we're getting pretty serious about
gardening. We've got an acre total, but most of it is woods with the mixed pine/oak/sweetgum forests that so dominate the region. In the open parts of the
yard I've had decent luck growing a handful of vegetables over the years with the addition of liberal amounts of
compost I've had to till into the soil. But really, I'd like to just make the soil...suck less. It's super filled with clay and bits of sand, does not percolate well at all, and is just very compact. I presume pretty much anyone who's spent a reasonable amount of time in GA knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Obviously I don't quite have
enough compost to improve the entire property...nor is it remotely practical/cost effective to just BUY a crapload of topsoil anyway (which would just erode anyway).
I can only assume that the logical solution is the obvious one: figure out what all I could plant to improve the soil. But honestly, I have no idea where to start. I suspect throwing down a TON of dandelion would help loosen things up and add a lot of nitrogen to the soil, but 1) I'm not a huge fan of the greens and 2) my wife isn't a huge fan of the way it looks.
So basically: I need suggestions. Are there any decent cover plants that would do a good job at repairing the soil, grow well in a part of the yard that only gets a few hours of direct sunlight a day, and also have "the look"?