Thank you, thomas and John, for the information, you've made me much smarter on the subject.
>> How far from the "creek" is this spring?
The spring may be smack dab within the creek, surely no more than a few inches from the creek line. I noticed you put 'creek' within quotation marks,
should I have said 'brook' instead?
>> Any elevation change from the spring to where you would like water?
Unfortunately for me, the spring is at low ground. The water would have to be pumped 30 feet up or so, then 50 feet or so horizontally, to arrive at the ideal place (right beside my porch).
>>What about during freezing temps?
I've never been there in the winter, but I believe nothing freezes over.
>>Water rites?
I need to check, I don't know.
>>Can you get water from the creek itself ?
I could, a
bucket at a time. Small creek, the entire length of which I could step over to the other side without difficulty.