I know I am a bit of a weirdo here but lately my favorite time of the day has been morning. As in early morning. Like pre-dawn hours when I wake up and the stars are still shining brightly in the sky.
I have always been an early riser but lately my insomnia has drifted to the early-waking type of insomnia where I wake very early—1:30 am as I write this—and I have begun to embrace this phenomenon rather than dread it.
Actually these very early, pre-dawn hours are actually nice. I enjoy a bit of quiet, peaceful solitude and it is nice to step outside to see stars shining. This time can also be quite productive. This last week I have used these early hours to make up many of the materials I need to finish off the year with finals and such right around the corner. In my early years teaching I regularly got to school by 5:00 am as I had 3.5 uninterrupted hours to work on school work while I was fresh and alert. By the end of a day of teaching the last thing I want to do is grade a stack of papers—my mind is too exhausted from teaching all day to focus. I could go home by 3:30 and have a nice afternoon.
This morning I am up early.even by my standards but I have learned to love this time of day. I sip my
coffee and enjoy the darkness of the pre-dawn hours as the rest of the world sleeps.