Hi all;
For years now the gold standard riser stub of choice has been RA330.
This material has been literally tested under heavy fire!
Matt Walker from walker stoves has been intensely burning with one for many years now with no degradation in the metal at all!
A plain
carbon steel stub will last 3 months of heavy use before spalling drastically!
The cost of this high-heat alloy is astronomical. I currently
sell a 6" piece for $85, my cost after bulk buying is almost $82!
I use these in both of my batch boxes and have sold many to happy new batch box builders.
We expect this material to last the life of the entire stove or longer!
Introducing RA253 MA!
A new choice from rolled alloy with a temperature rating of only 100F lower than RA330.
In the extreme environment at the port of a batch box during a full burn, temps are over 1800F
RA330 is rated to be used indefinitely in a 2000F environment and has lived up to its claims!
Plain carbon steel degrades quickly above 1500F it has spalled in as little as 12 weeks!
RA253 MA is rated to work indefinitely in a 1900F environment...
Will it last a lifetime? Only many years of hard use will tell us for sure.
I predict this stub will easily outlast the purchaser in an insulated dwelling with only a few daily fires.
Will it last in an extremely hot, all-day burning
RMH in an uninsulated building?
Only time will tell.
For now, I am calling RA253 MA a Silver Choice in high-end Batch box riser stubs...
Years from now it may prove to be a Gold choice equal to RA330 in longevity!
These RA253 MA riser stubs are now in stock for $60 at
Here is a link showing the effects of spalling.
And another about the quick change secondary tube.