I made deviled eggs for Thanksgiving, and I got creative with them, they came out so yummy I wondered why it's not a common thing to do to them!
I saw pictures of deviled eggs made of eggs that had been boiled and peeled, then soaked in food coloring to make them red before cutting and deviling them. Cute. I don't like dye, but I was peeling beets for another dish... And hey, if I'm gonna soak them, why not add spices?!
Flavored Deviled Eggs: Boiled, peeled then put in a pan of
enough liquid to cover them, brought to a boil, let sit for a couple hours.
Liquid 1:
water, beet peelings, fresh ginger, whole cloves
Liquid 2: Dill pickle juice, turmeric, dill, garlic
After they soaked for several hours, sliced, yolks mashed and deviled normally.
They were yummy!
What else would be good spice mixes? With or without things that color them.