The title on this was "Mouse filmed tidying up man's shed every night" but to me it looks like me, accumulating stuff for my house, looking at it as a puzzle, and saying "not this piece, yes that one" and collecting all the pieces that fit my vision.
This mouse has a vision, and collects the pieces of it.
Yay mousie! Build a good house!
Watched it again... what interests me is she puts as much care into choosing small parts as well as big ones. In my signature I have "Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail. " She is designing well, at every level of detail. She will like the house she makes :D
That's such a cute video. I just wonder what the mouse thought they were doing? It doesn't seem an obvious place for a mouse house - on the middle of the bench. They were clearing the deck of stuff, gathering it together. If they wanted it for a house I would have thought they would have taken it away somewhere, but they were carefully putting it in the tray.
I wish someone would tidy up after me so carefully....
Nancy Reading wrote:If they wanted it for a house I would have thought they would have taken it away somewhere, but they were carefully putting it in the tray.
Maybe the next step of the plan was to push or pull the tray to where she needs it :D It's a mousie trailer!