Those that are familiar with "Tower gardens" will know my method of starting mulberry cuttings.
The difference is I do this either with aquaponic
water, and or hydroponic solution as used in the kratky hydroponic method.
I have a large black pipe that I cut holes in large
enough to put cut piece from a pool noodle.
In the top of this pipe I put a 1 gal
milk jug, in the bottom of which I cut many 1/4 inch holes for the water to come out like a
shower below the milk jug,
I then take a pump which I warp in a loose cloth like bug netting to prevent clots and I
feed the water from below up to the top of the pipe, then I let the water cascade down from the milk jug.
Then I have this system setup on a 10 min on, 10 min off timer that runs the pump and I run it 24/7 this way....
If you have a 3d printer you can make your own this way, but I have found it faster to use irrigation pipe.