It might sound crazy, but the most useful thing (for me) that I discovered in this video was the existence of e-spinners. I took one look and was spellbound. My
energy levels are truly awful these days and if I have the energy to do anything other than put my feet up I tend to feel I
should be doing stuff like housework or playing in the garden, but an e-spinner would mean I could set things up so I could spin whilst physically resting.
Then I tried to find one, and discovered that this side of the
pond it's difficult to find affordable ones. And if you do find one then the price starts to shoot up as soon as shipping and taxes and import duty get added.
And then I discovered a 3-d printable version!
Here's the link to the page with the downloadable files -
3d printable mini e-spinner
Currently sourcing switches and suitable motors and things...