I have an area that we don't really do anything with. I covered the area with
wood chips a couple years ago. Last year I covered some of it with weedcloth, and Wood chips. I got large nursery pots put a bunch of holes in them and planted them to the top rim. My hope was I could grow veggies, fruit, herbs, & flowers in these pots. My thoughts were soil life could get in, but not gophers. The cantaloupe, and calendula did very well in one of those pots, but nothing else I tried did very well. This year I made a small
raised bed. I removed the wood chips and weedcloth, and dug a 2' deep hole slightly smaller than the raised bed. For a hugel beet style bed.
Even though it hasn't rained for a while. I don't
water in this area, and it's been quite hot recently the soil was super easy to dig. This time of year if you try to dig in uncovered ground, good luck. It's like chipping away at
concrete. I literally have to water, dig, fill the small hole with water, the next day dig, and so on. So easily digging a 2' hole is nothing short of a miracle, a wood chip miracle.