Xisca : Yes, it is difficult to make a hole in the side of the barrel at its bottom too large, be generous, Hardware cloth is a large mesh sized metal screening material usually used for
reinforcement where we want to screen out very small things, here in the states we often place a section of Hardware cloth on the outside of a door 1/2 way up a fine meshed
screen door so that the second layer of hardware cloth will stop the dogs from tearing up the screen when they want to come back inside !
We talked in the past about doing the horizontal piping out of 1/2 round clay tiles, if you carefully shaped the bottom half of your transitional areas out of fine sand and clay slip it
be nice to have the hardware cloth to hold onto the sand, clay slip mixture, In some places they use a larger size of wire mesh for support in applying stucco, if you have
someone who can do the bottom half of your Transitional area with or without mesh so that that part had very smooth walls, and then packed in sand, and then finished the top 1/2
with more fine finishing plaster, and it was allowed to dry slowly, with or without a coarse mesh to hold onto the finish plaster- you would have the right shape. If the whole section
was shaped like a cone or large funnel with the large end at the barrel, and then tapering down to the small end that received the end of the Horizontal stovepipe You could wait until
every thing was dry, then carefully clean out the sand by hand and have a good transitional area that also contains an ash pit, and a clean out !
If this was not clear to you, let me know and I will try to get some pictures to explain better ! For the Craft Big AL !