Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Alder Burns wrote:One key to managing animals on forage is to have your system set up so that they have to eat at least some of everything there, rather than just their favorites. You can do this with relatively small enclosures moved frequently, or tethering, or cut and carry systems. The danger with a few animals in large enclosures is that, like little kids, they will eat the dessert first and then move on to the other things (or else complain that there isn't more dessert!) Over time only the least palatable and nutritious things will be left. This is part of the Allan Savory critique of the idea of overgrazing and that one problem with rangeland management is not too many animals, but too few, and not enough management. This is exacerbated by the fact that in many climates only a few of the forage species are evergreen, or in leaf when most other things aren't. If you are interested in primarily feeding your animals through the year from the site, you might even fence off groups of the evergreens (privets, honeysuckle, greenbriers, eleagnus come first to mind) and reserve access to these for the winter season.
Aimee Bacon wrote:Goats love to browse, so the best thing you can do is make sure an area has multiple different plants growing in it. Glad to hear they are staying in their electric netting, mine always jumped over it. I have a pygmy and two nigerian dwarfs and they like totally different material. But they will all gladly eat the leaves and bark of all my trees. They also all love honeysuckle and poison ivy. They will eat grass but that would be the last choice.
Anne Miller wrote:When I had goats they liked to forage grass because that is all I had.
Where I live now, I like to watch my neighbors goats. They have prickly pear, agarita, live oaks, other kinds of oaks and various native plants. Though since I only observe I don't know what they like best.
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