Jason M. :
Mike Leo: Actually with a working by-pass( that none of the three of us has ever seen!), a vertical chimney by itself would not have any of the additional losses of volume
and velocity cased by the effects of friction as the Exhaust gases flow through some thirty feet of thermal bench, this is usually referred to as Laminar Flow, I would expect
that the amount of time saved would be a matter of 1 minute or less, without the losses due to laminar flow your chimney
should draw a little better and produce a slightly
hotter fire slightly quicker with a little more heat being radiated off of the barrel !
Where a given R.M.H. build runs into trouble is when an undetected fault is coupled with too much Horizontal chimney, (remember that any one horizontal stove pipe elbow
will slow the flow of the exhaust gases equal to 5' of horizontal pipe) some times it is possible to salvage a marginal system by adding several more feet of vertical chimney
This is usually figured at 15' of vertical being equal to an additional 10' of horizontal piping !
Finally I want to make a plea for the almost always peaceful and placid
Dragon residing in your R.M.H., If he is woken gently in the morning, and fed Frequent amounts of
small very dry
wood, within no more than 5 min you should hear the start of his throaty purr, at 10 minutes (s)he will be a full song and you will always be able to tell how
happy it is by listening to this song !
After about an hr of frequent feedings the burn tunnel should be glowing red hot and you can now
feed larger chunks, 3-5 pieces mostly filling the feed tube, at this point
your dragon needs to be fed about every hour (depending on type of hard wood fed it!), with the R.M.H. given Pride of Place within your home, you should be instantly
aware of any change in the dragons song, perhaps shifting a piece of wood fuel that has 'hung-up' in the feed tube or just one or two more wood chunks, after 6 -8 hours
of listening to your dragons song in all but the coldest weather it should now be time to let your fire burn out and enjoy the next 20 - 25 hours of your dragon paying you
back for your faithful service ! WARNING ! - Any Failure to abide by this simple ritual, which should be considered as like a labor of love rather than a duty, or especially
long periods of ignoring your Dragon with be meet with Cold when you want Hot, and Frenzy when you want Calm! (Some times even SMOKE!!) For the Good of the Craft !
Think like Fire, Flow like a Gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! As always, your comments and questions are Solicited and Welcome ! Pyro - MAGICALLY yours, Big AL !