It is an interesting proposal, but I am not so sure thermal siphon would work. I have 100% radiant heat in my house and would not heat my home any other way, but it takes rather high flow to accomplish that. Even then, if the temp drops quickly, or alternatively, rises quickly; my radiant floor heating system is unable to recover quickly to compensate, and my computer controller checks outside temp, boiler temp, supply temp, return temp, and floor temp loss every minute. It does this by controlling a variable speed circulator pump. How you could accomplish that vital task via siphon and get livable indoor conditions is beyond me.
As for what Roberto said, he is indeed correct, and yet also wrong on the same front. Please let me explain with apologies to Roberto if he is offended. He
should not be offended in the least though, because a radiant heating system is unique in that it reverses itself. It also depends upon the type of system that it is designed for.
1. Reversing itself.
Roberto is correct in that it takes a lot of heat to warm up a space via radiant floor heat...
INITIALLY. As an example, it is November in Maine, and yesterday I turned on my heating system. It is 40 degrees outside and so to heat my house ideally I need 95 degree water running through my floors. My heating system is designed to deliver that, but having very cold floors right now, the water flowing into my floors are warm, but the water coming out of my floor loops are cold. In other words every BTU is being sucked up in trying to heat my floors to the ideal temperature. In that way Roberto is right, it takes a lot of hot water to accomplish the task.
After the floors get warmed up; about three days time, it does not take nearly as much heat to maintain them. This is what I mean by reversing itself. The water going into my floor is hot, and the water returning from my floor is warm. Ideally this is 15-20 degrees and called "Delta T". It is the ideal temperature so that whatever is heating your water (boiler, solar, RMH, etc) is not shocked. You control that Delta T by flow controls. When I sayhigh flow, I am talking 1/4 to 1/2 a gallon per minute, per loop. That is a lot!
Now a radiant floor system can also be designed in one of two ways; simple or complex.
2. Simple
In this design, it is dependent upon its zone valves. In this case again, Roberto is correct because it requires a lot of heat. In essence high temperature water flows through the floor, when the set temperature is reached, the thermostat shuts the zone valve. This is simple, but not nearly as efficient on several fronts. It requires higher temp water that requires BTU's whether it be oil, coal, wood, solar, etc. It is also not as comfortable. That is because radiant heat does not heat the air in a room, it heats objects in the room that radiates heat into the air. Because the water is set at high temp and is simply turned on and off, some variation occurs. My father's radiant heating system is this way and as such, just after the thermostat shuts down the zone valve, the air in the room rises so it gets several degrees above set temperature, yet just after the zone valve opens, because it takes awhile to begin warming the room again; the temp drops a few degrees. So there is this constant flux in temps. Yes he sets and leaves his radiant heat at 70 degrees, but his rooms go from 67-73 degrees constantly.
3: Complex
In a nut shell, my system works awesome, never varying indoor temperature by more then a degree to the set temperature, UNLESS a drastic change in outside temp takes place. Instead of relying on hot water, my system only warms the water enough to compensate for the outside temperature. If the temp outside goes down, the house is losing heat faster, so to compensate the water flowing through the floor rises. If the outside temp rises, then the reverse happens and the water flowing through the floor lowers. It does an outside temp check every minute. Therefore I am never heating water more then I have to. It does this by injecting hot water from a main boiler loop that runs at 100 degrees. So what happens is, the temp in my house is not set by the thermostat and zone valves at all, but rather by the computer controlling how warm the water is flowing through my floor. This is so accurate that my thermostats only tell my computer if they need heat or not, and the zone valves are in place, but never stop the flow of water because the temp is so consistent. 99% of the winter my house is 1 degree of where I set the thermostat.
My system is basically using the greatest asset radiant heat has; its large size which is basically one massive sized radiator. Big radiator, less hot water flowing through it to heat the space. Smaller radiator, the hotter the water has to be to heat the same space. Because I am only flowing warm water through my floor, I save a lot of money on fuel. It is far cheaper then my fathers system, however I also paid a lot more for it.
I am not sure your siphon idea would work simply because you are going against the greatest asset of radiant heat; the ability to use warm water to heat a space efficiently. Gathering heat from one area, and moving it to another area via water that is 600 times as dense as air, is simple in concept, but the ability to control that water is where the complexity comes in. With a thermal siphon, you lose all control and are relying on super hot water to move from place to place. There may be places for thermal siphon's, but I am not sure that radiant would be the greatest application.
I am convinced hybrid systems are the best application for radiant systems. As Roberto pointed out, initially heating a space requires ample heat which is where solar,
compost, and geothermal heat would be problematic, but where rocket stoves and conventional boilers excel. My hope is to someday use my boiler to heat my building efficiently in the fall, then after the high btu demand tapers off, use compost, solar or thermal heat to keep the house from losing heat.