For those of us that have no fear of posting up our homes, I offer the following thread! Your Place From Space!
Take the image of your house, acreage, etc from Google Space and then post it here.
I went all crazy and annotated mine, as you can see. You don't have to actually mention your address or anything. I don't mind sharing, but others are... touchy. I understand.
It makes a great history to your place too- free SAT photos from Google.
Here is my place. The main farm is 60 acres and the new property across the road is 14 acres. I also lease the 30 acres just north of the main farm. Most of the main farm has on contour terracing.
The red box is me. Roughly 20 unsurveyed acres in SW Washington State. The slope is west/south west and multiple streams and springs run through or originate on the property and collect near the bottom of the hill(bottom of pic/west end of lot).
The blue box is owned by the county, they used to operate a radio navigation beacon there. Its roughly 7 acres of second growth forest with a 20'×20' concrete bunker on a massive concrete slab that used to hold the beacon. I am in the works to aquire this as well.
He who sweats most in times of peace,
bleeds least in times of war.
Arch enemy? I mean, I don't like you, but I don't think you qualify as "arch enemy". Here, try this tiny ad: