I'm pretty sure your mulch insulated the soil, so that no warmth radiated upward during the night. So, with an ambient low of 38, the heat went up into what I guess was a clear, still sky, and your plants froze. I know it seems inexplicable. I've managed to freeze tomatoes with a good heavy mulch with lows well into the 40's.
My policy now is bare soil for tender plants until it's almost proper summer....trees well leafed out and no chance of lows much below 45-50.
As an aside, while researching this issue I found a scheme to make ice at a low temperature of 50 degrees. In a dry climate, lay a
mattress on the ground under the open sky. It must be a clear night with no wind or fog. Place a shallow tray of
water in the middle of the mattress, and in the morning you will have ice! Go figure....