I want to plant a Chojuro Asian Pear (or two) but wasn't sure if I planted two, would they cross-pollinate each other or do they need a different type of pear?
If they need a different type of pear, would a "regular" pear from a
yard across the street work? Many of my neighbors have pear
trees in their yards which do produce a green, hard, "pear-shaped" pear. Most don't eat them so in years past we have harvested loads of them and made a delicious pear butter out of them (they are too hard to eat raw). Would these suffice as a pollinator for the Chojuro? I don't want too many pears as I'm not a huge fan of the mealy fruit (pear butter is good though) but love the idea of the Chojuro's butterscotch flavor for eating fresh...