Hello All,
It's your old pal Rusty, from Ory-Gone
Props to Paul for putting forward the idea of the Wofati. That really intrigued me.
Using the Earth as a thermal flywheel to "Heat and "Cool" your structure.
I like the idea, period.
Some problems I had with idea though:
The use of
wood as critical support for the structure. Uhh! NO!!
I'm from a place with 60 to 100 inches of rain a year, won't work for me.
3 layers of paper and plastic and
Black Locust poles, I know, I know, I will
plant some this year as a N-Fixer but I need a cellar this year.
So I looked around,
concrete lasts a long time around here, even with the rain.
Hmm, concrete, I want to cover a concrete structure in earth and have it last
and drain.
Mike Oehler in panhandle ID, Pine/Fir - Okay, but not in the OR coast range.
may work for a year or two, but......
So my idea.... build a concrete "Roman Arch" above grade, that will naturally drain.
So.. I have started to build it.
check the pics
It' 6' x 12'
still finishing the arch. I was going to use rebar to "hold" the
cinder blocks in blocks in place untill the mortar set.
That won't work.
So I am going to build a metal arch, with lathe, the mortar that. then add gravel and
concrete, and just "Pour" the arch.
Then ass-phaltium, a "Flying buttress" with tarps, T Posts and packed dirt.
Then cover it and add 2 doors.
I will try to update this as it progresses and put ayoutuber up about it.