Dale Hodgins wrote:When my parents owned a riding academy, I planted squash around the base of Poo Mountain. The rich runoff grew a bumper crop.
Great information from all above - I'm prepping an area with specific intent for it to be a
chicken poo catch/process point (we get lots of rain here and the intended space is sited above the run-off to dam over a
swale area in the food forest behind my back
yard). Thinking it will be easy
enough to manage chick poo with the system I'm constructing (as computer typing
energy &
project priorities allow for) - figure the birds will love sitting on the perches above it and it will be easy enough to flush out with the natural slope and the woody structure underneath with some plantings nearby. And, I think the product (more fertile soil in a swamp run to food forest will be great for a couple food bearing
trees, which will then shade the back of the house in the intense summer heat.)
look forward to hearing more of all such adventures.