It sounds like a nearly ideal spot for the apricot tree, they love full sun but the heat would take a toll on the health of the tree.
Watch it rather close for the first year or two in the ground and it will tell you if it likes the conditions quite well.
When you plant it, don't forget to tease out the
roots so they will spread away from the trunk.
Optionally you can simply cut the roots and give them a shot of B-12 solution
water to stimulate new root growth away from the trunk.
We have one old persimmon tree that is in partial shade and several of its offspring that are in full sun, they are getting old
enough now to bear fruit, the mother tree is always loaded with fruit.
If you find that your apricot doesn't like the amount of shade it is in, simply prune the trees doing the shading to open them up so more light gets through.