I like the idea of a "
chicken tractor" (movable, open-bottom
chicken enclosure) however I am not interested in having chickens. I do have a bird feeder which I keep stocked with black oil sunflower seed, which attracts juncos, house finches, chickadees, sparrows, scrub jays, etc. One day I noticed that the ground under the tree closest to the feeder was covered with bird droppings, i.e. free fertilizer - and a
light bulb went off in my head.
I have also noticed that I get a lot more birds if I scatter the seed on the ground, especially on some place with a lot of leaf litter or mulch. In the wild, birds have to scratch around in the litter to find food, so they seem to hang around a lot longer if they can do that in my yard. Also since the seed is spread out (vs. concentrated in one feeder), more birds can
feed at the same time. Thus I now get probably 5 times the number of birds I had previously, all happily scratching and pooping wherever I put the seed.
Over the last several months I have been throwing the seed in places that I want the birds to fertilize and de-bug -
apple tree guild,
compost pile, etc. So far it seems to be working well.
I will of
course get some sunflower plants sprouting up in these areas, but that is fine with me. I will probably just let them go to seed and collect the seed for use next winter. I'll probably get other seeds sprouting from the droppings (
native and non-native) which is also fine as I am looking to grow more natives. I'll pull the non-natives.
I am wondering if anyone else specifically tries to attract wild birds to certain planting sites, and what were the results? Obviously a junco can never "till" the ground like a chicken could, but I am mostly interested in free organic fertilizer and a little insect removal.