POST 8 (part 2/2, day 13, 2020.08.24)
Today is breezy, overcast, warm (not hot), with a few minutes of light rain.. pretty nice.. This past Saturday was almost perfect weather because it was like today, but even cooler!
I think i'm getting used to the difference between here and the very temperate climate of my previous home of 10 years (seattle area).. I remember feeling "in love" when I first experienced Seattle's climate.. The critic in me thinks this is the honeymoon stage of being in new surroundings.. the optimist in me says, "enjoy it one day at a time, homie.. this is just one bite of the buffet.." AND I LOVE BUFFETS!
Tonight's dinner is curry and rice, by Clayton. I had a heaping helping.. Now, I feel full but also great.. my favorite aspect of curry cuisine! =D
course, we must mention the work!) This morning I learned how Shingles are placed on Purlins, and optimization of the placement of Purlins before optimizing the placement of Shingles--in order to make the work flow smoothly, accurately, and for best functionality of the roof as a whole.. I don't know about you, but THIS gets me very excited!
Something else exciting happened in the later part of the morning: the organizing of the shop is now officially under my scope of honorary duties.. I say "honorary" because it's a role I've been practicing for almost my whole life.. Of course, its not that glamorous.. of course, its probably going to be frustrating.. but by golly for some crazy reason, if organizing hardware doesn't light up this firefly in the dark..
Afternoon shift was patio stone flooring (pic below).. The left side is 90% complete, and the right side is 0%.. so about 45% of the first phase is done (the next phase is building out to the
hugel culture which is not pictured in this photo).. at this rate, phase 1 will be complete by the end of my first month here, or possibly sooner.. Of course much of the stone-laying is done by the other volunteers who decide to help with the
project.. a
gift of time and energy for which I am gratefully elated to accept.. =D This stone-laying is actually another source of joy for me.. at the end of the work-day, I sit on a handmade wooden bench next to the floor and observe the progress.. slow.. steady.. satisfying.. I suppose most nourishing things progress this way..
my body is tired, and my soul is fed..
currently I sleep on a slight decline (w/my toes slightly higher than my head).. its flat, but not level.. it makes me realize how much i took for granted any/all level sleeping surfaces.. I keep putting off the task of leveling my tent pad until "tomorrow".. my self-given deadline to fix the level is day 14.. after all, its for my own benefit and wellness to sleep w/o stressing my cardiovascular system for 8 hours a day.. being good to self must be another lesson for me to learn during my time here..
ps. I know its not CAT-urday, but here's a few vids of kittens doing kitten-things, while I was trying to sit and meditate on the bench.. such distracting-ly fascinating creatures..